2- A Meeting of Minds

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AFTER ATTENDING ENOUGH OF HIS LESSONS Alta had come to the conclusion that oddly enough Professor Moody didn't seem to be biased towards her. He even praised her for being able to resist the Imperius Curse on the first try. Which wasn't hard at all for her as it was quite similar to Occumelency. Alta just had to shut off her mind.

Alta had observed Professor Moody and she had come to conclusion that he almost seemed to like her and Evan Rosier. At first she thought perhaps he tried to keep a close, spying eye on them and figured to play it off by being friendly. However, soon Alta had to admit to herself Moody wasn't doing the same to the others from their group. Mad-Eye Moody actually seemed to dislike the others.

"It is curious, isn't it? That Moody seems to like you." Coral said interestedly as they entered the Great Hall for lunch after another Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. "I would've taken him to be rather upset as an ex-Auror to see a child of Death Eater have such powerful talents."

"Perhaps he can't help his admiration. I mean he did say he's never witnessed anyone except Dumbledore be so talented as Vipera." Ackley replied casually while seating himself around the Slytherin table.

"I have theory." Alta said thoughtfully. "The difference with Rosier and I to the rest of you is the fact neither one of us was raised by our Death Eater parent."

"I think that makes sense." Coral agreed while helping herself to some potatoes. She looked around them to make sure Evan wasn't anywhere to be seen before asking, "How is Evan dealing with it?"

"Are you kidding? He absolutely hates Moody." Ewing scoffed. "Wouldn't you?"

"I suppose." Coral said quietly.

"Apparently, his mother went bonkers when she found out Moody's teaching here. She's worried Moody will try finish off the rest of the Rosier family and make it look like an accident." Ackley told them rather amusedly.

"So idiotic. Evan's father had a choice. He chose to fight and die instead of going to Azkaban or lie and claim he had been under the Imperius curse. Evan Rosier Senior chose to leave his family behind." Alatea said with an exasperated sigh. "Clearly Evan's mother just doesn't want to accept it. Moody caught Crabbe's father and he's alive, isn't he? An Auror won't kill for no reason."

"You're right but I mean, you'd still probably hate him if your mother was dead and he was the killer." Ewing said, raising a brow towards Alta.

She smirked slightly, amused. "My mother is as good as dead and it's her fault."

Nobody said anything, they merely nodded.

"Did you hear about Moody transfiguring Draco into a ferret?" Coral asked.

"Yeah. Quite amusing. A lot more efficient than taking house points." Alta said cunningly, humored.

Ewing snickered. "I mean the way he wastes his time meaninglessly harassing Gryffindors, he kind of deserved it."

"I agree." Alta said, huffing in amusement. Her eyes landed on the fair boy walking along the length of the Slytherin table. "Speak of the devil."

"Did you see the sign in the Entrance Hall? The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are arriving on Friday." Draco who had appeared next to them said immediately.


"The Hogwarts champion," Dumbledore's voice rang in the Great Hall which was filled with anticipation, "is Cedric Diggory."

There was a thunderous noise which erupted from the Hufflepuff table. They had gotten to their to feet and they were cheering as widely grinning Diggory made his way past them and headed off towards the chamber behind the the teacher's table.

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