4- The Twin-flames

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THE HOGWARTS GROUNDS WERE COVERED IN A LAYER OF SNOW as December wore on and the Christmas Holidays were only one week away. The Beauxbatons carriage looked like large, frosted pumpkin while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost. The Hogwarts staff seemed determined to impress their guests from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons as the decorations in the castle were the most stunning Alatea had ever seen in her years at Hogwarts. Everlasting icicles had been attached to the marble staircase and the usual twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall were decorated grandly from holly berries to real hooting golden owls. The suits of armour had been bewitched to sing Christmas carols whenever someone passed them, conveniently giving Peeves the opportunity to hide in them and add in lyrics of his own, all very rude.

The cold weather or thick snow didn't stop Alatea Vipera from doing her routinely run on the grounds on Monday morning. Though, this made her spend more time showering than usual to bring back feeling into her numb toes and fingers. This was why she was late to breakfast and ran into Hayes who was just was leaving breakfast in the Entrance Hall.

"Where have you been?" Hayes asked, raising his brows. "I was looking for you."

"I go on runs every Monday morning."

Hayes seemed to find this information so odd he couldn't let it go and instead of telling her why he had been looking for her, he asked confusedly,


"Well, I think keeping physical stamina up is important. You know, having quick reflexes and being fast can make a difference in duels." Alatea replied, quite unbothered. "Why were you looking for me?"

Hayes straightened his back, now even taller. He let out a charming smirk at her.

"I want to take you to the Yule Ball."


"Come on, it'll be fun. When are you not entertained when you are with me?" Hayes said wittily.

The idea of Hayes asking someone else if she said no filled her with bubbling rage. Alta didn't like the idea of someone trying to steal Hayes. He intrigued her. Hayes was the only person she'd ever met who she could relate to. He was the first person who had challenged her intellectually.

"All right then." Alatea agreed casually. She paused for a moment to think before she said, "Do you think any of your classmates from Durmstrang would like to ask Coral? Otherwise she won't be able to attend as it's only fourth-years and up. She really wants to go."

Coral had been jealous about the Yule Ball being for only fourth-year students and older ever since she found about it. She had tried to convince Xander to take her. Xander had (unsurprisingly) absolutely refused, saying he'd rather use the opportunity to ask out a good looking girl.

"That's no problem. I have few in mind who'd probably be quite happy to." Hayes said with ease.

Sure enough at lunch Coral was approached by a skinny boy with a long pointed face and a shaved head. He wasn't bad looking however Alatea doubted Coral would find him as handsome as Diggory.

"Hello. My name is Ivan." he said gruffly, not a trace of friendliness gracing his features.

"Hi. I'm Coral." Coral replied shakily, appearing very cautious. It seemed she was almost scared by this intimidating introduction as if expecting Ivan would soon start telling her off for something. "I'm sorry, am I in your seat?"

Alatea couldn't blame her because if she wasn't aware what was about to happen she would've been gripping her wand.

"Vould you like to go to the ball vith me?" Ivan asked, fiddling with his fingers.

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