3- Fragments of the Past

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THE FIRE OF THE TORCHES danced against the stone walls. The footsteps echoed in the corridor as the third-year Slytherin students were making their way to the lunch in one big mass after their Charms class.

"You're coming to watch the first task after lunch, aren't you?" Coral asked, casting a questioning look at Alatea.

"I am. It'll interesting to see what the first task is and what type of magic they'll be able to perform." Alatea answered, straightening her robes.

Lunch was a noisier event than usual as everyone was excited to witness the first task. Many students were wearing the Support Cedric Diggory badges on their robes. The Slytherin table was informed by Professor Snape they could make their way towards the edge of the Forest to find the stands where the audience would watch the first task after they had finished eating.

Alatea made her way across the grounds in the cold November weather with her usual group. Hayes had become a part of the group as he knew all of them rather well being Draco's cousin and thus having met them over the years.

Draco had tried to persuade the rest of them to wear the badges, however it seemed everyone had followed Alatea's example and decided such a thing would be too childish.

Individual conversations had formed as they walked in a group of nine people. Alatea was walking at the back of the group with Coral.

"He keeps looking at you." Coral said quietly.

"Who?" Alatea asked, raising her brows.


Alta directed her stare towards Hayes. Xander was walking in between them as Hayes was walking in front of him, talking with Evan. Hayes held himself with such confidence and arrogance Alatea found him interesting to observe.

Suddenly, his dark eyes stared back at her. Alta felt her stomach jump. She turned to look at Coral by her side quickly. A knowing, sly smile was etched on Coral's fair face.

"What?" Alatea demanded the meaning of this expression.

"He fancies you." Coral said smugly.

"No he doesn't."

"He never smiles. Except for you." Coral continued happily.

Alatea would never hex Coral even if she pushed her limits. Coral was too innocent, pure-hearted and naive. She seemed to want some sense of normalcy for Alatea as she cared for her, thinking it didn't matter how and why Alta had come to this world.

"That doesn't mean anything." Alatea said dismissively, brushing her black braided hair out of her face.

"I also heard him talking with Xander. And Hayes said he thinks you're good looking." Coral said as her smile grew even wider.

"You know as well as I do this conversation is pointless."

"It's just a theory you read. The subject is not well known enough for any reputable source to even confirm the theory." Coral argued, frustration and sadness mixed on her heart-shaped face.

Alatea didn't bring herself to say anything. She didn't want to upset Coral.

"Hi." Hayes grunted, suddenly appearing next to her. It seemed his conversation with Evan had finished. He ruffled his dark, curly hair with his hand. It made his hair messier although weirdly more stylish.

"Hey." Alatea said, slightly surprised.

From the corner of her eye, Alatea saw Coral smoothly fasten her pace in order to walk next to Ackley few feet in front of them, leaving the pair of them walking behind the group by themselves. Alatea rolled her eyes. Hayes and she walked in comfortable silence as they neared the edge of the forest, listening to the rest of them take bets with each other about the outcome of the first task.

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