Chapter One

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"Oh my goodness look at this one!" Lily said and came up to me holding a pink sundress. 

"Oh that's cute! Put it here and we'll go try all this stuff on. What do you think of this?" I said and held up a pink romper with yellow designs on it.

"Oh my gosh yes Bella! Let's go try all this stuff on." She said and we went to the dressing rooms. We are buying a bunch of stuff for our girls tip to New York. We've been planning this trip since we were like fourteen.

Lily is my best friend. Ever since I moved here to LA and met Lily in my pre-k class we've been like sisters.

I moved here to California when I was really young. We moved here from Canada after my mom died. I don't remember much about her and my dad doesn't like to talk about her at all. I don't know anything about her, or her family. My dad said that my grandparents are dead. So it's always just been me and my dad.

Anyways I'm very excited for this trip. It'll just be me and Lily. We've been saving up for this for a long time. 

I was in the dressing room when I hear the song 'Treat You Better' come on.

"Oh God please don't do it." I say to Lily because she's in the dressing room next to me. Then she starts singing the lyrics really loudly. I roll my eyes and walk out if the dressing room to look into the mirror.

She busts out of her dressing room and starts dancing and singing. She's not an awful singer, but she's not good either. She knows that though, we joke about it some times.

"Oh we look fine!" I say and we pose in the mirror and laugh.

We go back and change and then buy everything.

We drive back to my house and start packing and making sure we've got everything. We leave tomorrow, our flight is early in the morning. Lily practically lives at my house so she just decided to pack here and spend the night. 

When we finished packing everything she got on my laptop at my desk and started doing who knows what. I sat on my bed and just scrolled through Instagram. 

I started texting my boyfriend Mason. We've been dating for almost a year now. He's got brown hair and blue eyes. He's tall and he plays basketball. He's going to SCSU next year with a full scholarship.

Anyways he is going with us to the airport to drop us off tomorrow. He wanted to come but Lily told him no because there aren't any boys aloud.

"Oh.. My.. Goodness! Bella!!" Lily shrieks and starts shouting stuff but I can't understand her. 

"Lily breath! Now use your big girl words." I say and she rolls her eyes and then jumps onto the bed.

"Okay well Shawn Mendes just announced that he's going to be doing an audition in New York to help find a new artists for Island Records which is the record lable he's signed with. Well he will be in New York when we are there! One person will be chosen and that person will get to live with him for a year and he will mentor them! They will get a record deal and get to go on tour with Shawn!" She said and then started yelling again.

"And you're telling me this why?" I ask. Lily absolutely loves Shawn and listens to him 24/7 so I know a lot of the songs by heart, but I'm not a big crazy fan of him.

"You have to audition!" She said and I gave her weird look.

"I don't think so. Why don't you audition, it'd be a good opportunity to meet Shawn." I say and she plops down and sighs.

"Well that's true, but you and I both know I can't sing worth a lick." She said and we started laughing.

"You should just do it so you can meet Shawn for free." I say and get back on my phone.

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