Chapter 9

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Walking back to the main house I saw a grandma, and I could only assume to be her grandchild, playing together. It reminds me of my grandma and me.


    We ran through the backyard playing tag. Me giggling and her concentrated so hard on getting me. This is how most evenings went when I was here. Us playing or doing something really fun. Usually, the reason I came over is that my parents had business to attend to, but this time we had convinced my parents to have a fun day with just them while we played.
     Sitting with grandma in the kitchen eating Twix had to be one of the best, and tastiest, times I ever had. Having that smooth caramel and crunchy breading run down your throughout plus the chocolate. It was heaven. After we were done and had threw away our trash it was time for a movie. Annie my favorite movie played on the VCR waiting for us. It was just getting to my favorite part where Annie was being asked to stay when I nodded off to sleep.

Flashback over

Speaking of which I haven't talked to her in a while. I decided then to go back to my room, grab my phone and call grandma.

    Running upstairs I almost tripped but was caught before I face planted to the ground. Sparks showed that this wasn't my father.
  "Wow, I see you're already falling for me. But I mean who wouldn't want this?" the male from earlier said. Apparently he isn't as shy as I thought. Just cocky.

"Thanks anyway but can I get by?" He was blocking the hallway.

   "Why are you in such a rush. Got a hot date waitin'." Definitely cocky.

    "If I say yes will you let me pass?", and with that comment came a growl. "Geez, I was just kidding. All I'm doing is calling my grandma. I just need to grab my phone." finally seeing him calm I slinked by him. 

Finally, in my room, I dial up grandmas number. After the second ring, she finally answered.

"Hello?" she said in that voice only grandmas have. You know what I mean.

"Hey, grandma."

"Oh, Olivia! How are you?" That went better than I thought. I'm surprised she didn't chew me out for not calling her.

"I'm good grandma. You?" So far so good.

"I've been better. But it helps that my favorite granddaughter decided to finally call." and my grandmother everyone.

"I know but I was....busy."

"I keep telling your father to stop working you so hard. But he's as stubborn as a bull. You are just like him you know?"

"And hows that?"

"You both ask stupid questions." Well, that was blunt. "So I assume your dad told you, so have you found him yet?"

"Who?", now I was confused.

"Your Mate Goofball! who else?"

"So you know about that." now I was completely perplexed.

"Well yes. My husband's one so my only assumption is that you shifted and found him."

"I might have I think."

With that, I had to hold the phone away from my ear to not go deaf with that squeal. Who knew she had that she had it in her. Oww. "Can you tune that down please grandma?"

"Tell! Now!" Yet again. Ow.

"I don't know anything."

"Fine. I'll ask your dad! Love you. Bye!" and before I was even able to figure out what she said I heard a click.

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