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17 flipping years and 9 months later

Olivia's POV

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" My daughter, Blake calls as she comes back from school.  I'm currently in the dining room waiting for everyone to get home. Sam is currently out, getting me information on the battle between the elves and the giants. He should be back soon, along with Eugene who is working on the paperwork. I swear that man never has enough.

  Two males walk in at that moment, neither of them adults. Both of them, goofy boys, my boys. "Hi, mom! We're home!" The door hitting Blake on the way in.

"Guys! At times like this, I'm glad I'm the oldest." she glares at the two.

"We're only younger by a few minutes sis! That's not fair!" she sticks her tongue out at her brothers.

  "Life's not fair, dorks. Now come on, Mom wants all three of us in the dining room. Says its a family meeting." she starts walking towards the room with her brothers in tow. Yup, I had triplets and I'm never doing that again. While the three were in my stomach though something must have happened to make a copy of some of my abilities into each child.

  Blake, for instance, can counteract with the elements. While Johnathan, the second oldest is able to shift to almost anything. Even my youngest, Andy can make peace with even the most ferocious of creatures. It makes them all such a great team.

Coming in the three plops on each of the individual seats of the kitchen. "So what's the big news?" Andy asks.

"Not until everyone gets here and you know that. It's not all the family yet." I say hiding the cake in the corner with a cloth before they could see it.

" Finnneeee," Jonathan says, always the whiner.

At that moment the door opens and the rest of the entourage arrives. In coming Eugene, Sam, even Winter, and her mate, Zeno along with his sister Zuzu and everyone's kids. The triplets' eyes widen, not remembering what day it is and why there are so many people; which almost surprises me before I remember that its finals week and they are busy with so much already it might be easy to forget the day of their birth. Well all except Andy who finally seems to figure it out, but I give him a look before his spoils the surprise.

"What's up, guys? I mean it's great your here and al, but didn't you get the memo? It's a  family meeting." Jonathan says, still oblivious.

3...2...1... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone shouts in unison. The two triplets that are left unaware finally understand and smile big. The day was fun and towards the end, you heard the same word from three individual voices.


And that be the end!

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