Bonus Chapter

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OK, so here's the thing.  It's been over a year since I started this book so I figure I might as write a chapter to celebrate! Now, this chapter won't have anything to do with the plot, but it will have characters and other things from it in there so it will be fun...  I think.


OK so here is the chapter.

Grape: Well look who decided to show up...  The party's already started.  Come on!

*drags author into party room*

Grape: So,  here we are.  Say hello guys!

*Everyone awkwardly turns around and waves... awkward wave back..*

Me: Uh, hi? How are you guys doing?

Eugene steps forward and speaks

Eugene: Well you know, just standing here in our writing limbo...  No big deal.

Olivia:  What he means is, where the heck have you been! We've been leaving everyone one a weird cliffhanger for how long now? And another thing-

Me: Eugene you dork butt, shut up! I'm working on it, I want to make the last few chapters memorable...

Sam: Wait, didn't you say you were going to have a sequel?

Me: Will you shut your pie hole up for a second...  OK, I might do a sequel.  I'm not sure.  If I do it I will have to have people tell me they want one and so far all my readers have kinda been ghosts, so yeah.  I'm fine with it though...  I guess.

   Unknown: will we ever get to my part? I mean I think I'm pretty darn important...

  Me: I'm working on it,  Geez guys.  I know I take a long time but come on.

     Grape: Well I just wanted for you guys to meet her, but we have a tight schedule to keep. The chapter should be out before Halloween.  There might even be a special for the holiday...  Maybe.  But, we gotta go.  Bye!

Everyone: Wai-
* Grape slams the door in everyone's face while pulling me out of the room. *

Grape: Sorry 'bout that I thought that might ease some tension...

Me: Don't worry it'll be fine.

Oh, you thought I was done?  Naw I still got a little left.

"Aww, it's so cute! Can we keep it?" Olivia looking up at Eugene with those big puppy dog eyes he couldn't resist most of the time.

"I'm sorry hun, but no. It already has a family. It needs to be with its own kind. " he states before he glances down to see Olivia petting the little bird with adoration in her eyes.

" I will name you Billy,  Billy is your name."She must have felt his gaze because she looked up.

"What.  You know he was in the ground right?  Do you know what that means?  He wasn't wanted in the nest.  He's all alone and if we don't help him he's gonna be all alone. He's gonna die if we don't, so please?? ", her eyes were so sad he couldn't refuse, so instead, he took off his shirt and bundled it up in a sort of nest fashion and gave it to Olivia for the bird.
     Her eyes light up with excitement and she bundles up the bird in my shirt and hugs him, careful not to squish the feathered baby in between the two of them.
     As the two walk back to the house with the little fluffy thing tweeting in Olivia's hold,  Eugene's arm wraps around her shoulder. All the while they hear an eagle cawing in the distance.

P. S. Spirit626 helped me edit.

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