First Impressions

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"You know, (f/n), you came at a wonderful time!" cheered the tall blond as the two slowly made their way to the dormitory's entrance.

"Oh, and why is that?" wondered curiously the (h/c), her gaze fixing on the male's happy expression.

"Well, in two days' time it'll be St. Xocolatl Day!" he informed.

"St. Xocolatl...?"

"Yes!" he beamed, and proceeded to explain: "It's a special tradition here at the school; on that day every girl offers chocolate to the person they like!"

"Eh? You have such a thing in here?" the girl raised her voice in surprise.

"Every year the Night Class gets a lot of chocolates from the Day Class!" he stated, clearly proud at the quantity of sweets he was always offered.

"Is... that so...?" the female felt somewhat envious of that, however she failed at hiding such feelings.

"But, of course, I would be more than alright if the only chocolates I received came from you." His voice had lowered in tone and become deeper; as the girl's gaze met the boy's face she noticed how his usually bright eyes had narrowed greatly and his irises had gained a light reddish hue as he kept looking forward, it was a possessive look she was quite familiar with.

"I know..." she uttered, her voice barely above a whisper and a light pink tinting her features.

"Hush now, dear!" called Takuma, stopping before a gigantic wooden door. "We are here!"

Quietly, the Ichijo heir pushed open the door and stepped inside. (F/n) stood there for a moment, simply staring at the door, finding herself unable to move as her beloved disappeared from her sight; however, she didn't have to wait long, as a mere couple of seconds later, the door opened a little further and Takuma reappeared, offering his hand for her to take with a princely bow and proceeding to lead her inside the first room of the building, the main hall.

Once inside, the newcomer felt somewhat uncomfortable; the room was beautiful, but several individuals were scattered around and threateningly stared at her with reddened eyes. Lightly scared, the (h/c) stepped a little to the side, hiding part of her small body behind Takuma's fairly larger one always keeping an eye upon the bloodsucking creatures.

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