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  Long minutes flew by as, with the help of her old friends and new one, (f/n) was comfortably introduced and set on her new room, a room that up until now had been occupied by Rima alone. The newcomer's roommate had turned out to be, luckily, the person that appeared to be closest to her lifelong friends in this dark nest of bloodsucking creatures.

Immediately after he had been assured of his fiancee's safety by the two models, Takuma hurriedly ran off to meet with Kaname who had requested his presence upon the girl's arrival, leaving said half-blood to connect and reconnect with Rima and Shiki, the ones who aside from himself would most likely be her closest allies regarding her life-threatening rare condition.

~~~~Kaname's room~~~~

A low yet deafening knock reverberated throughout the enormous and dark room, easily catching the attention of its occupant who didn't hesitate to allow the visitor's entrance.

Silently, the blond noble came in, closing the large door behind him and facing his old friend and superior immediately after.

"What is it you needed from me, Kaname?" wondered the Ichijo heir, even if the reason was clear.

"Your fiancee..." muttered the Kuran in return. "I was not aware that Sir (l/n) had a daughter, even though I have already met all of his three sons in prior occasions. Why is that?"

"They have always preferred to keep her under tight lock and surveillance, even I was surprised after being informed that my request was finally accepted and that she would begin attending the Academy." simply stated the blond, shrugging off the question as if it were nothing but a mere and small bother.

"And why is that?" insisted the pure-blood, pressing the one that stood before him for further information. "I reckon that is in regard of her condition? She feels an awful lot like a human, it would be a shame if others were to take her as nothing but a useless blood-bag, would it not?" For a moment, Kaname silently observed the cold gaze that had settled upon Takuma's gentle eyes before sighing: "Takuma, I cannot help you unless you tell me about the matter!"

"She is a half-blood..."

~~~~Back in the girls' room~~~~

"A half-blood?" Rima's usually empty eyes twinkled in wonder. "That is very rare, no wonder Takuma seems to be so protective of you!"

"Yes!" laughed (f/n), aware of how right her new friend was. "My mother was human and my father is the current head of the (l/n) family, unfortunately as the only truly living being in the household, I serve as the source of blood for the entire family so they can escape the radar of the vampire hunters."

"That doesn't sound..." began Rima, twitching her nose in disgust; even as a vampire, she could not imagine how a family could abuse a single member that much so as to simply not be caught drinking blood from townspeople.

"I know, but it's just how things are, they could be much worse if you ask me!" cheered the (h/c), trying to diverge from that specific matter. "Either way, I am glad that they have finally allowed me to come to Cross Academy! I'm not particularly used to the presence of so many vampires, but even so I feel much more at ease with Takuma and Shiki around, and now you too Rima!"

"I feel relieved that you offered to be her roommate, it would be troublesome to leave her by herself or with someone else less trustworthy." Shiki's voice echoed suddenly in the room, reminding the two girls that he was still present.

"If she really is almost as alive as a human, then I am also glad that I offered, or we could have (f/n) barbecue party before we could even take notice of it." she replied bluntly, earning a fearful shiver and a gulp from the half-blood whose presence had suddenly been cut in half due to the sudden fear.

~~~~Kaname's room~~~~

"A half-blood, you say?" mused thoughtfully the pure-blood. "And you think she will be safe in here? A living one among a large crew of nobles that crave for blood while still getting used to the tablets?"

"I believe so, she will be staying in the same room as Rima to avoid complications with others, and she has a better chance at surviving in here than locked up in a room at her estate where she is fed and used by her own family as food herself for them to continue to elude the Hunter Association!"

"Very well!" sighed Kaname. "She will be allowed to stay and we will do our best to keep her safe and I will do my best to save her secret and yours."

"Thank you, Kaname!" thanked Takuma, before bidding his farewell to his lord and abandoning the room to rejoin the trio.

~~~~Back to the girls' room~~~~

Soon after all the revelations, the Ichijo arrived to the room where the trio still stood to pick up his friend, Shiki, and to wish a good sleep to the two girls.

After the two boys were gone and both the girls were laying in bed, a soft voice raised a question:

"Rima, what exactly is St. Xocolatl's Day?"

"It's a day where you give chocolates to the person you like, it's a human tradition apparently, quite dumb if I might add." murmured the other. "Why do you ask?"

"Will you come with me to the town tomorrow? Takuma has always loved sweets, so I would like to get some for him, maybe you could buy more for you and Shiki as well." she giggled softly, already half-asleep.

"Sure, we can go!" smiled Rima, also being taken by sleep.  

A/N: I finally did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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