Meeting the Night Class

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"Why is there a human with you, vice-president?" a voice, a female voice she hadn't heard before, echoed in the silent room, sending shivers through the (h/c)'s spine; the unknown's form could be distinguished even in the dimly lit room, however, the newcomer's now teary eyes didn't allow her to take notice of much things with the exception of the vampires light sandy tresses and glowing eyes. Unconsciously, (f/n)'s grip on her fiancés hand tightened considerably, forcing the blond vampire to take notice of her fearful state.

But before Takuma could even utter a word in response, a voice that the new student knew all too well rose from one of the couches, clearly taking everyone by surprise.

"That girl is not a human." The voice belonged to an old friend of the Ichijo, who normally kept himself from speaking up. "Is that not right, (f/n)?"

The (h/c)'s eyes widened in surprise as she hadn't expected to hear a familiar voice, that wasn't Takuma's, so soon. Partially losing her fear, she inched away from Takuma and intently observed the one who had spoken up in her stead; she smiled widely and ran to hug the vampire.

"Shiki!" she beamed as said male emotionlessly hugged her in return; the actions took most people in the room by surprise.

"What is going on in here?" a male voice, unfamiliar to (f/n)'s ears, echoed, catching everyone's attention and making everyone, including the newcomer, to gaze at the person slowly descending the staircase.

Whispers of 'Lord Kaname' filled the room as most bowed their heads down in respect for the man.

"Lord Kaname...?" whispered curiously the (h/c), silently hoping that her friend would clarify the situation for her.

"Kaname Kuran, pure-blood and president of this 'class'." Shiki stated bluntly, causing the girl's eyes to widen largely in a mix of panic and surprise as she hurried to mimic the others' actions.

'Why didn't anyone tell me there was a pure-blood here?' thought the girl, hoping that all the panic she felt on the inside wouldn't show on the outside. As a half-blood she couldn't sense the presence of a pure-blood, unlike full-vampires and Level E vampires, meaning that she had to be warned of such things... She would be sure to scold her beloved later on for not warning her, as well as Cross of course.

Soon enough, the pure-blood stood right in front of Shiki and (f/n), his eyes narrowing dangerously at the clearly human scent the girl emanated.

"And who might you be?" his deep voice echoed on her eardrums as he used his fingers to tilt the female's head up. Carefully, he observed her, not only her scent was human, but her entire appearance was that of a human; her cheeks were rosy, her blood pumped rapidly, her heart beat loudly...

"Humans are not allowed in the Moon Dorm!" declared harshly the president, frantically gazing around, his eyes had turned red; his demeanour was startling the hybrid. "Who's responsible for this?"

"Actually, Kaname..." Takuma finally decided to speak up; the blond had appeared behind the supposed 'human' and hugged her from behind, his arms securely surrounding the female's small shoulders. "This girl is not a human, she is a vampire like everyone else in here."

Suddenly, the vice-president raised his voice and his grip on the petite form tightened as if to say that everything would be alright.

"This girl is (f/n) (l/n), a new student in the night class, and my beloved betrothed!" announced the blond. For a moment, the (h/c) looked up and, once again, she could see the familiar possessive look; his eyes were red, narrowed and hard.

A little, barely noticeable, smirk found its way to some faces.

The pure-blood quickly approached the couple, gently took the female's right hand with his left one and placed a soft kiss upon its back.

"I apologise then! Welcome to the night class, Miss (f/n)! And Takuma, come meet me once she is settled." he said, before vanishing upstairs.

Upon the next few moments she was introduced to a large share of nobles as was the case of Hanabusa Aido and Akatsuki Kain (who apologised for all the commotion about Yuki's blood earlier), Seiren (who seemed rather cold about her presence), Ruka Souen (who apologised for having accused her of being a human), and Rima Toya (who had approached them alongside Shiki and had been rather unexpectedly nice towards the newcomer).

After an hour, maybe two, had passed, (f/n) was finally allowed to take her belongings to her room; on the way, she was accompanied by Takuma, Rima and Shiki. The quartet kept talking as they walked and as the three helped the new student organizing her room.

Shiki, just as Takuma, wasn't at all pleased to know that the old antics of her family had not ceased even the slightest; Rima, at least for now, remained confused at this...

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