September 1978

Remus arrived at Kings Cross station just in time to get on his train. The station was bustling and filled with various citizens. Remus strode quickly to platforms 9 and 10. A very angry,balding man bumped into him.

" Sorry!"
Remus quickly apologized.

" Watch where you're going, fag!"

The man hurried away, muttering a series of slurs and curses under his breath. Remus frowned, but continued on his way.

He casually walked into the wall separating the two platforms. He had done it enough times so that he no longer hesitated or even flinched.

Immediately after he emerged from the magic barrier he was met with a scarlet train that was ready to leave. The platform was abandoned of most students, the only people left were weeping parents.


Remus made his way down the aisle to the compartment that was known as the Marauders'. As he got closer he could hear the boisterous boys from inside. He grinned and slid open the compartment door.

" Moony! Glad you could join us!" James Potter exclaimed.

Remus nodded and sat next to his boyfriend. He spotted something on the walls of the compartment.

" What's that?" He questioned.

James and Sirius got suspicious smiles plastered to their faces after the question and Peter seemed to get more giddy than before.

" Oh, God why did I even ask?"

" That, my dear Moony, is our initials! We decided to carve them into our compartment so that the Marauders will forever be known to history!"

Remus rolled his eyes, but smiled none the less. He took his wand and engraved the letters that represented his name next to Sirius'.


Sirius grabbed Remus' hand and intertwined their fingers. Remus smiled at the gesture and looked up at James.

He noticed the glint of a badge pinned to the boy's robes. His eyebrows furrowed and he pulled a slight frown.

" Is that what I think it is, James?" He asked with slight confusion.

James looked down briefly at the golden badge pinned to his chest.

" Oh this? It's nothing."

" It's not nothing, Prongs! You're Head Boy! Do you know what this means?" Sirius prompted dramatically.

" That he'll actually do his work and stop terrorizing the Slytherins?" Remus retorted.

" Exactly! He'll stop being a Marauder! Prongs has turned to he dark side!"

" Oi! No I won't! I'll still be the same James Potter! Honestly, I don't understand why Dumbledore made me Head Boy."

Peter nodded his head in agreement whilst Sirius slouched in his seat and pouted.

" M-maybe Dumbledore finally recognized how great you are. Besides, this will give you more time to spend with Lily!" Peter reassured him.

James smiled at the mention of his girlfriend's name.

" You're right! She is Head Girl this year!"

Ignorance // Sequel to ObliviousWhere stories live. Discover now