June 1, 1979

The air was muggy and smelt of dewy grass and wet dirt. Blue clouds spattered the sky in a painting of gloom. The quidditch pitch was empty  besides the the Gryffindor team huddled around together with sweat soaked robes. Their clothes stuck to them in an uncomfortable mess of fabric. Chests rising and falling, heaving in the itchy air like bales of dry hay. The echos of laughter rang around the pitch as the adolescent boys congratulated each other on a good practice. 

" Hufflepuff won't even know what hit 'em, right lads?" 

" Careful, Davies. Last time you bragged that much your girlfriend left you for some pouf from Ireland."

" Oi, Thompson! Watch yourself, we're all a team here, " James berated. He pushed his sweaty hair off of his forehead and used the back of his hand to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose.  Sirius clapped Thompson's back and grinned smugly.

" Yeah, Roy. Would be shame if a pouf were to beat you at your own game. And by the way, next time you hit the bludger, try to aim away from our team so I don't have to cover for you." Sirius laughed and walked ahead into the cold  familiar atmosphere of the locker rooms.  He heard Davies and Willams snicker behind him along with the sound of an elbow hitting a stomach; the snickering stopped. 

The copper handle of the showers stained with green oxidation felt cool to his numb fingers. A burst of shivers shot through his body momentarily when the icy water contacted his back. He his body trembled and finally the water transitioned from freezing to burning hot. He  moaned in pleasure, scrubbing the morning's taint off of his back and arms. 

" Shut up!" Marcus' voice sounded from the stall next door.

" What's the matter? Wishing you could come in here and join me for a wank? Sorry, Marcus, I'm a taken man."

Sirius chuckled as Marcus groaned in annoyance.

" Just because you're a fairy doesn't mean you have to flaunt it for the world, Black."

" I know you're just jealous of my stunning hot bod, if you want I could refer some of the girls pining over me to you."

There was silence on the other end and Sirius couldn't hold back the laughter bubbling up inside of him, sputtering and choking on the water that fell down his face.

" Shove off, Black!" 


Sirius walked out to the lake where he promised to meet with Remus, his legs ached from doing drills with the team and his fingers were calloused from gripping the beater's bat all morning. He spotted Remus sitting beneath the Alder tree, long legs crossed and a gold mop of curls sitting on his head.

"Hey, gorgeous."

" What do you want, you absolute tosser?"

" Just your heart, my love."

Sirius lowered himself and flung his body on top of his boyfriend. He pressed kisses to Remus' neck. 

" I got you something," Sirius murmured, lips still connected to Remus' rough stubble. 

" Did you now? Does it have anything to do with our sex life?"

Sirius stuck his tongue out, licking Remus and causing the taller boy to jerk away suddenly. 

" Bloody turnips, Padfoot!" 

" Maybe it does. Come on, I'll show you."

Fingers intertwined, they walked slowly back to the stone castle. Sirius put his mind in a place of serenity. He felt the palm of Remus' hand against his own and he concentrated his focus to remembering every curve and line. He counted the number of steps they took as their feet stepped over the mossy grass. 

Ignorance // Sequel to ObliviousWhere stories live. Discover now