Training hollow

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Echo and Boulder slowly padded through the weeds of the swamp. Echo didn't care about her getting wet, when Boulder sobbed struggling under the water." My furs wet!" Echo snarled." No one cares!" She dipped into the water and swum silently in the deep pond of mysteries. She grinned as she noticed all the wolves stare at her amazed that she could swim so beautifully without making any noise. They all gasped enchanted with love as she leaped out of the pond and shook her fur slowly. She then noticed all the male wolves stare at her. She frowned and shook her fur this time frantically, making it soak all the male wolves." Strangers." She grunted as she padded through the forest." Echo." A familiar voice called over her. It was Silver fathers sister. She was thin with silver shining coat nearly white." It's time you join the training hollow. Your a great swimmer normally wolves just paddle though you, you swam without any noise that would be a excellent attack on mountain pack." She said warmly." Thank you silver." Storm had two sisters. They were alphas though retired of old age. Storm was popular of his strength and that he wouldn't retire. Though that came to a price. Echo thought and sighed sadly." Only if he retired like kala and silver."She wasn't too exited about being at training hollow. Boulder wanted it more then her. Echo only wanted to care for her elderly mother." I will take your offer if.." "If?" My aunt said quickly, I knew she really wanted me to go to training hollow." If I can see my family once in a while." I snarl lowly." She sighed and said." Deal." "How about boulder?" She paused and swung around slowly. We both frowned as we saw him last to crawl onto land." My fur my beautiful fur!" He sobbed." Maybe he should practice first." We both sighed and nodded.

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