7. Coy, You're My Only Friend

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That's Coy up There!

It has been a week since the food fight incident, and no one had communicated to me or tried to get to know me. Not even the twins, except-

"Coy!" I say happily as he smiles, waving at me as I head towards him. He was outside hanging out with others, but left them behind. No one really wants me around them, they actually run away from me.

Like Coy and I once tried to sit with a group of people, and when he sat down they were happy. When I sat down, they were frozen and made excuses to leave. It's not fair, they don't know the real me, and I don't think they want to know the real me.

"What's up Renee? How come you're out here? Shouldn't you be, like, training with your new powers?"

"No. I've been avoiding them. No one is talking to me and Ernest can barely look me in the eye, and Dexter doesn't even look at me as it is. They even gave me a room in the back of the house away from everyone and most definitely away from them. I just don't get it...I want to go back home. This is fucking hell." I whine, like I usually do with him. He listens and I think he wants to too.

"Have you at least tried to communicate with the twins?"

"Yes. But Ernest excuses himself politely or Dexter glares at me and insults me until I leave. I can't do this Coy! I think...I think I might just go back-."

"If you do that, the Couteau family might find you! And what if you can't control your powers? That won't be good for you or for the humans." He tries to tell me that, but I don't even care. This is like high school, and I'm the weirdo in the corner wishing to make friends. Only having one friend and others look at me rudely.

The twins are the popular kids along with the girls and everyone else is the students. I can't be in high school again, even in high school, it was never this hard for me there.

"No. I don't care for that. I'll be fine. I'd rather be back in the human world than stay here with people that don't want me here. No one likes me except you. This is hell for me Coy." I inform him, making him sigh as he looks at the ground. Then he looks back at me as he has sadness in his eyes.

"But, you are their mates. And I bet they won't allow you to leave. You are my friend and one of my closest ones at that. Think of that instead of what you don't have."

"Those twins don't give a shit about me. Coy, you're my only friend... I'm so happy that you are, but I can't do this." I shrug as he frowns, chewing his lip.

"I don't want to hold you back. If you really want to go, then, do you. But I don't think you should go. I think instead of pulling yourself back you should pull yourself in. Everyone here won't just come to you, you have to make an effort at the same time-."

"I have tried! But everyone is a bitch!" I shouted, people looking at me as they heard me. I don't even care, stepping back as I head towards the porch doors." I'm gone. See ya."

I head out as I go to the front door of this house. These twins did give me clothes, but they look like and feel like hand-me-downs. I can't do this anymore, I'm uncomfortable and feel like I'm losing my mind in this damn house.

As I open the door to the house I leave, closing it as quietly as I can. I jog away from the door, realizing I'm wearing Converse, but hopefully they will get me somewhere.

I jog past the cars and am now on the trail I was on when I was adult-napped. I stop jogging, but I walk calmly as the environment is so soothing.

The wind is mild, blowing my hair around as it blows behind me. The sun shining brightly in the clear blue sky. No clouds in sight as my eyes skimmed over the area. I watched as there was an array of promiscuous types of plants and scenery that I never saw when I first got here.

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