11. Learning 'Bout The New Me

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Tell me, how's the new cover? Should I put it back? Or keep it? Don't be shy! I have decided that I will post new stories every Friday. Makes it more easier to make them better. Hope its okay!

I sneered at the scene I was taking in right now. My core was already aching...in pain as of what happened yesterday.

I agreed out of the kindness of my heart to start training with the twins about my new powers. To unlock the ability to transform into a wolf and other things. But I didn't know that others would be there.

And I had no idea there'd be a damn obstacle course! I always sucked at Field Day in elementary and middle school. So what makes me think that I can do this damn obstacle course!

It looks crazy and spreads for miles it looks like! I can barely run a mile! What makes them think I can do this!?

"Looks great, doesn't it?" I look to my right to see a blonde boy smiling at me. I raise my eyebrows as I make sure he hasn't mistaken me for someone. I look around and see some black girls, but they look nothing like me - but way more beautiful.

"Why are you talking to me?" I ask, and he frowns.

"Um...am I not allowed to?"

"Are you sure you have the right person? I'm pretty sure you do." I look away as he is still standing there.

"Aren't you Renee? I think I have the right person." When he says that I'm looking at him, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes. And you are?"

"Alex. And I asked you a question, this looks great, doesn't it?" He grins and I smirk shaking my head.

"Uh, no thank you. I hate things like this. I mean, for example, it's miles long."

"Yeah I guess, usually it's longer, but they were probably being nice for you. Usually you can't see the end of it, I can see the end perfectly, this is great. We'll finish this before you know it." He smiles at me and I'm not sure if he's being sincere or mocking.

But I nod, looking over towards the twins as they gesture for me to come over.

I rush over as Dexter and Ernest smiles, and I punch them both in the gut. They stand, unfazed as I pout.

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