Part 2

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"He's not in the basement."

"He's not in any rooms."

"He's not in the vacation house."

"He's nowhere in the area."

"No! That's wrong! Where is my brother!!" Dexter bursts as he punches the wall.

"We promise sir...he - he isn't anywhere in this residence. He's...he's outside the-."

"That's impossible! Ernest never goes anywhere outside that damn gate without me! We never leave this area unless we are together!! He will get himself killed without me!!" Dexter is about to punch the already dented wall, but I grabbed his fist before it made contact with it.

"Where could he go on foot? The car is still here and can't you, like, track his scent or something?"

"Yes, but he probably blocked his scent so that I can't find any trace of him. Remember, him and I are twins, I know how he works!"

"Really? If you did you'd know why he's acting this way." I rolled my eyes, making him scrunch his nose up. Dexter is all talk but he is yet to prove that him and Ernest are all that.

For all that I know it seems like all along, Ernest secretly despises Dexter. Wishes to be him; wishes to be like him; wishes people to look at him like how people look at Dexter.

"Ernest told - used to tell me everything. Now he's being distant ever since...almost since when we all tried bonding. But not all the way... Hy do you think that is?"


"Ernest isn't the type to be jealous of anyone, especially me. He hates being compared to me and hates when people look to only me..." I think he had a break through." Which...everyone has been doing for a long time... But...he's never said anything to me about it, if he had a problem he should've said something!"

Dexter sighed as he walked into the corner of the room. I have nothing to say, I'm pretty sure this is both of our faults. But at the same time, he did say Ernest isn't a jealous what is it?

All of a sudden a bloodcurdling howl rippled through the house, and it effected none of us. The only person on the ground with blood trailing out their ears was-.

"Dexter!" We all rushed to his aide as the howl increased in sound. Dexter convulsing in a rushed manner.

When it ended Dexter quickly sat up, eyes drained of color.

"That was Ernest...he's dying! And he was sending a message...but was trying to kill me in the process..."

"Would you like us to fetch him sir?" A few people volunteered, but Dexter shook his head.

"No. He's not a dog. You all aren't fetching anything. Renee and I will go save him and make sure he doesn't die. He's the only family I have." Dexter grabbed my hand and we ran out the house.

Dexters head whipped to the area that Ernest's howl came front, cocking his head. He whistled a few and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You look like a lost dog when you do that."

"Okay! I'm at a loss here! Don't - yeah! Don't you have those gold powers or something. Use them to find him or something!"

I looked away from him, I might have the powers but I'm just as clueless on them. I have no idea how to use them, nor do I think they'll help.

Just lay your hand on the ground. See what happens.

I did as told, getting on my knees as I laid my hand flat on the ground. Instantly, I saw footprints appear in gold dust on the ground.

I gasped as they grew into the woods, and Dexter immediately was running with them. I followed, watching as they grew at the same pace as him and I ran.

At some point they stopped, ending at a long river that spread for miles. Dexter growled, looking around earnestly.

"Where is he!? I don't see him any-."

"There!!" I pointed to where I saw a body laying half way in the river. I ran to it as I saw Ernest, his body half submerged in the river.

Dexter pulled him out, sitting on the ground as he pulled Ernest on his lap. It was sweet as Dexter held Ernest like he was child, crying as he hugged him.

"Dexter... I think he's still alive. He's only been gone for a week-."

"So what!! This shouldn't have come this! He's my little twin brother, I have to make sure he's safe! I have failed!!" Dexter propped Ernest against a tree, pulling off his jacket as he laid it on him.

I sat next to Ernest, taking his hand as I held it, sending some energy to him. But as I did that, is body responded, quickly.

Dexter was holding his other hand, taking his pain. His veins becoming black as the pain entered his body at once.

At some point, Ernest eyes opened. He looked to see who was holding his hands. When he saw me he smiled weakly, but when his head slowly turned to Dexter he flinched.

He yanked his hand out of Dexters, standing as he threw off his jacket.

"Why are you here? I thought I died."

"We saved you. Dexter has been worrying about you, so have I. We've been searching like crazy."

Ernest nodded, looking away. Dexter still sat on the ground, distraught and worried. If I was him, I'd be sad too. My own brother is avoiding me and won't even look me in the eye. Is angry at your presence and doesn't want to be your brother anymore.

Ernest looked back at Dexter, immediately look at his hands as he played with them. He did glance up at Dexter a couple of times, almost like a child who was caught in their wrongdoing.

"Um...Dexter...anything I have said or done-."

"I forgive you. I know it wasn't the real you. As long as I have my lil'bro back." Dexter smiled as he stood, about to hug Ernest.

"No!! Listen to me!" Ernest shoved him, making Dexter stumble a bit." I know what I said and everything that came out my mouth I meant! And I am not sorry." Ernest glared at Dexter, shocking me.

"You are being very selfish Ernest! Why are you being a bitch!?"

When I said that I wished I never did. Ernest's head whipped towards me, stepping in front of me as anger radiated off him.

"I am not the bitch here. Dexter was nothing but rude to you when we first met you. Yet, you ignored me and I tried being nice and it was never a thought to be mean to you. I made jokes, you looked at me rudely - which I didn't take kindly. I always tried my best to make everything fun and equal. But, you never thought once - oh! Maybe Ernest would like to spend some time with me-."

"Then tell her that-."

"I shouldn't have to tell her that! Do you have to tell her to make you happy? No!! It's like you expect me to do all these unnecessary things and for what exactly! You expect me to do it while you do what? Tell me. What is it that you do?"

Dexter stepped close to Ernest as he now had their heads brushing each other's. Ernest glared at the ground as Dexter glared at him.

"I do everything in my power to protect everyone."

"Yes! I do too! That's all you do." Ernest was quiet when he said this, pulling his forehead away from him." I don't think I can keep doing this...this whole brother thing. Not unless we can be equal in things. If not-."

"Then what? Are you going to quit in being my brother?!"


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