12. I'm The New Luperca?

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I was laying on something, it was soft...almost felt fake. I ran my hands over what I was laying on, my fingers feeling on a soft...cloud...?

My eyes were now wide open as I looked around at the scenery I was in. And as I looked, it looked so beautiful...

I'll just say, everything around me was made of gold. This floor...are clouds were a sparkly gold as it glimmered around me. I patted my hands on it, sparkles coming up and entering my nose, causing me to cough.

The couch's were made of gold fabric, the tables and cups and photo frames all made in gold. The framed even had particles of flying sparkles of gold dust fly inside.

I stood, almost falling back down as I was able to catch myself. My body felt like it was floating, I was even in different clothing than I was last time. Almost a silky gold (obviously) gown that I would never wear to save my life.

This outfit looked like something a wife or girlfriend would wear when it was 'baby season.'

I stand once again, walking on the clouds as my feet sunk inside, but had almost a support beam under.

As I looked around I realized, this is not on Earth, what the hell is- my memory is coming back to me.

I was transforming for the first time in front of everyone. My eyes were glowing gold, everyone starting to run at me. Before they got to me I was fading into the damn air! Like what the hell is that?

"You're finally awake? I thought you'd sleep forever, even though it was only five minutes." My head whipped around as I heard a strong but soft female voice echo in the room. When I saw who the person was I gasped, she was...beautiful!

She stood tall at six foot, her eyes grey despite her gold outfit. Long brown hair that fanned out like a wild lions mane, a thick gold necklace that looked like it weighed ten pounds.

She looked perfect, everything about her is perfect and it seems so impossible. She had the perfect face and I never admit that a woman is beautiful, but this woman, she truly was beautiful.

When she raised his hands gold smoke left her finger tips, wrapping around me as I soon became comfortable, almost like I knew her like a best friend.

"Who are you?" My voice was relaxed and I felt relaxed, my voice even sounding lazy like I'm chill.

"I am the Goddess of all the Werewolves, my name is Luperca. And now. I've found my Prophecy, you. You are the new Goddess, because you've made my sons happy." When she said that my neck snapped forward as it hung sloppily.

"What?!" I cried, not even sure if I heard her right.

She laughed, her laugh just as beautiful as she was.

"I am Dexter and Ernest's biological mother, but they don't know that," she sat down, but a wave of gold dust formed like a chair, looking comfortable," I want you to listen to me. And listen well, because I've waited two hundred years and watched as they grew up thinking those fakers were their real parents. Now, I can tell their mate the real story." She sighed as I was so confused.

"I was dumb, you know how girl teens are when they turn one hundred-eighty. And eighteen for humans, by different in my world. So...I met a handsome man. His name was Ares, he was- seemed like the most perfect guy for me. I didn't listen to the other woman he betrothed, had sex with them, then cheated on them right after.

"But he insisted that they were all obsessed women, craving for more of him. So I clung to him as I wanted to make others jealous. Throwing names at us, a god that loves bloodshed and war. With a goddess who loves protecting wolves and would risk her life for animals.

"I...I gave myself to him, believing that he wanted me. I believed that we were something more than all the hundreds of girls he supposedly slept with..." Luperca sighed as she looked at the ground, quickly regaining her strength," when I found out I was pregnant I was happy.

"He wasn't though. He threatened to kill me if I let them live. He said he'd let me have them, but I'd have to kill them. I was NOT going to kill my own flesh and blood. So...I did something. I went to your world, the mortal world, and had them in my arms.

"They were crying, grabbing at my hair as I flew around trying to find someone who wanted kids so badly. Then I found two parents. While I set them on that doorstep, I took their god powers, making them immortal, but mortal on the outside. I only left the part where they could transform into a werewolf.

"But I didn't know that those parents I chose were so selfish. They lied, saying they were werewolves like them. That they had them and filled their heads with lies about me... I know they didn't know I was their mother, but still, it hurt as thy believed it. Every. Single. Lie." She had tears running down her cheek, gold tears.

"When I went back Ares thought I fed them to my wolves, laughing as he hugged me, happy that I killed them. When I didn't, but I learned just how truly evil he was when he tried loving me again. The words he said to me will forever ring in ear..."

She cried some more, clearing her throat.

"'Let's make more babies, then TOGETHER, we can watch their blood gush everywhere. As those wolves eat them apart. I love you.'" Her voice sounded like a mans voice, but it was so chilling. I'm guessing that was Ares voice, it sent ripples down my back.

"He waited for me to say I love him back, but I only cried as he frowned. He didn't know how happy I was that I saved those twins, our sons. They even had his chilling blue eyes with black coming out the iris, showing evil. Making me happy that I took their powers, I couldn't imagine how powerful they would be if I didn't take their powers.

"From there I left Ares, I was the first woman that he - supposedly - ever wanted. So that sent him in a rage, I wasn't shocked, he's always angry. And I moved here, away from that world. Watching our sons growing for two hundred years. They're amazing...and I'm sorry about Dexter. He has Ares temper." She chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"While I have been up here, watching my sons grow up for two hundred years, I waited for them to find a mate. But, they never took an interest in no one, until one day, you walked into that bar and I could feel their heartbeats rising. So fast. And the thing is, Dexter said he didn't want you as his mate. He does, he really likes you. Trust me.

"I promised myself that when they find their mate, that girl will be my new Luperca. You'll take over my powers, while being on earth. You'll be the earth version while I'm the human. Fascinating, isn't it?" She waved her fingers and I was free from the comfortable warmth that cloud of dust.

I didn't hear anything she said, but then its all printed in head. I understand perfectly of what she said and when in reality, I'd be as clueless as a infant.

"So...do you want me to tell Dexter and Ernest-."

"No!" She bursted, standing as her wolf mane of hair flew with the wind. But she then cleared her throat, shaking her head." No. Not yet. They...they are to young."

"What do you mean 'to young'! They two hundreds for Pete sake!"

"In my world that's an early adult. Their parents died, because everyone thought they were wolves, so, they were murdered. By the Couteau family - not surprised - and the twins have been growing up with only another.

"They just...I don't want to ruin their life when its just becoming brighter. You might not realize it, but you're the sunshine in their dark, cloudy world. And I want you to keep being that way, because at some point, other werewolves will go for you to become of higher rank. You steal the alphas mate, you become of higher rank. So don't fall in any traps, even if a guy gives you more attention than the twins, the twins really do love you.

" And if you hurt them, I will take away your abilities I have bestowed on you, and I will take your werewolf powers so that you will be human again. I will clear your memory and make sure they forget the rainy storm you left. I don't want that, I'm trusting you...please?" She grabbed my hands while my vision became foggy.

"Yes...?" I could see her nodding,  body falling as I was slowly fading away into the golden air.

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