Chapter 1

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I was bored once again in history class, we are learning about the time of when king and queens were the rulers of the land. It was hard for me to not drift off into another world. I loved learning about medieval times but I just didn't feel I was learning anything in this class room. A part of me always wondered what it would be like back then. To grow up during the medieval times when you could be in a kingdom and see how it would be to live in their world. Being in high school in modern day America wasn't as fun as it should be or at least to me I had my challenges with school and the kids that went to my school. My name is Lily and I live in New York City, it is a city that can keep me busy and I am glad for that but I wish I was able to see more than the big city that had the same hustle and bustle to it. Moving out to to an area around the city didn't give that new adventure I was hoping to find when my parents decided to move more to the suburbs instead of having the city living. The only dragons we have here are the ones that lurk in the dark corners and there are no shinning knights to protect us from the evils that could harm us.  My life wasn't anything extraordinary I had my two best friends and that was all I needed. Kara and Adam have always been there and stood up for me and I did the same thing for them. We had become close over the years and each of us didn't fit into the crowd that went through these halls, which made it nice knowing someone had your back when times got tough.

It wasn't until Kara came up and tapped me on the arm that I realized the bell had rung and it was time to move onto the next class.

"You okay? You never miss hearing the bell"

I just smiled at her I didn't know what else to say. Of course I was okay I just didn't want to be here anymore. I felt like I did the same thing every day with nothing ever changing. I hated when I got into these ruts where it felt like nothing was going to change and every day was the same. Of course I had no one to blame but myself, if I wanted my life to not be the same then I needed to do something to change it.

"Yes I'm okay. I just got lost in thought."

It was nice to have Kara looking out for me but I didn't always know how to tell her what was going on with me. Kara always looked out for me and had the best intentions, she didn't see things like I did, she saw everything as it was. I could see things as they were or how they could be. That is why I became such good friends with Adam because we could see things the same way. I did feel bad though because Kara didn't always understand where we would come from and could feel left out.

"Hey Adam."

I walked over to his locker, I wasn't in a rush to get to my next class and I knew that he wouldn't mind talking. Kara needed to get to class at least 5 minutes early to make sure she was all set to go before class got started. I didn't understand how she worked but it was how she was, she didn't even notice that I stopped she continued on walking.

"Hey Lily what are you up too?"

"Getting ready to head to math class."

I made a face and Adam laughed. He knew I hated math more than anyone. It was my least favorite subject. The things that they taught us were never going to be used in the real world. How many times does someone need to fin the sin of a triangle out in the real world. I knew that some people would need it but I wasn't one of those people. The class made it hard to stay awake in, I could always feel myself dozing off in the middle of the teachers lecture.

"Sounds like you are ready to have a great time. What are you doing after school today?"

"Nothing yet why?"

He gave a smirk and I knew I was in trouble now. I wondered if I should have thought about my answer before I told him I didn't have any plans. Adam liked to say and do things that would keep me on my toes.  Adam had been the one person that had been there for me through all my phases. He was the one thing in my life that never changed; it was nice to have someone I could consider my rock.

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