Chapter 13

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It had been a few days since Elizabeth had come back and things were starting to feel how they were before I moved in here. We were talking and sharing so much with each other that I didn't realize how much I missed it until I didn't have it anymore. Having someone during lessons to be there with me was nice too. With Elizabeth being back I was seeing less and less of Philip which didn't help his case that he was right all along that if we were close to each other we would be left out. 

"Elizabeth everyone is saying Philip changed and I should give him a shot even you said that but things are how they were a year ago."

"I'm not sure what is going on with him lately but I did notice the same thing. I know he has been in many meetings with my father."

It still didn't make sense to me because things were going so well and I had started to let myself believe we could have a future together. Just like always when I began to hope things changed and it was no longer that way. The only difference is no mean prank has been played this time or at least no pranks has been played just yet. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment.

"It just hurts. I just hate that I was right. I didn't want to be right but a part of me knew that it would happen."

"Don't worry about it. Do you want to go out riding today? I am sure we could convince my mother to let us off of lessons today."

I didn't doubt that Elizabeth could convince her mother to let us miss lessons. She even let me do it one day but I wanted to go through with lessons today. I was hoping lessons would keep my mind busy but another part of me wanted to get out of here. Looking at Elizabeth's face I knew that I wouldn't be able to fight this, she didn't want to be in lessons today and she would find a way to get out of it. 

"Okay could we go to the village?"

"Yes we can go. I know you need to talk to Adam."

I gave her a look, I wasn't sure how she knew I needed to talk to Adam but it has been about two months since we have seen each other. Right now I just wanted to talk with him about what he would think about everything going on right now.

"Lily we have been friends for sometime now. As much as I know you enjoy talking to me and me helping you with issues. Adam is someone that you can openly talk about my brother with. He doesn't have any biases like I do."

I don't know how right she was. I just nodded because it did make it difficult to talk about Philip when it was his sister who you were complaining too. I stood up and Elizabeth headed towards the door. I followed close behind her, I wasn't sure her mother would be in the sitting room. There was still plenty of time before the lesson began and when we got to the room her mother wasn't there. She turned right around when she saw this which caused me to have to do a little jog to keep up with her for a second. You could tell that she was on a mission and to just stay out of her way. After a few minutes of walking through the castle we were at the queen's chambers. Elizabeth knocked and then made her way through the door. I did hesitate for a second then followed her in. You could hear one of the Queen's guards announce that we were entering the room. We entered the room and could see that everyone was there. When I noticed the King and Philip I took a step back, it was like I had done something wrong and I could hear Elizabeth step closer to her family. I felt out of place and if it wouldn't have been obvious I would have just moved right back out of the room.

"Good morning Mother, Father."

"Good Morning Elizabeth and Lily."

I gave a nod when I heard my name mentioned. I didn't want to say anything because they were in a serious conversation before we came into the room and the way they stopped talking when we entered the room made it seem like they were talking about us. I knew that things were never going to keeping going well, something always came along to ruin it.

"We know that there is a lesson planned for today but we were hoping that we could actually take our horses and ride into the village to do some shopping?"

"Yes you may go."

Elizabeth just smiled turned around and went out the door. I gave a smile and followed after her but this all felt like it was too easy. Usually she had to put up some kind of fight to get her way this time they just let it happen.  Making me wonder even more about the conversation they were having.


It didn't take long to make it to the village and I debated if I should go see my parents but I knew I wouldn't have a long time of being alone and I wanted to get in as much talking as I could with Adam. I had a feeling I knew where he would be and Elizabeth was leading the way to the tavern. We got to the tavern and tied the horses to the front post; when walking into the tavern everyone was looking at us. The few people who could tell Elizabeth was the princess bowed but the rest just stared and watched us but it didn't take me long to spot Adam.

"He is over there."

"Okay I will meet up with you in an hour. I am going to the dress shop to have new dresses ordered for me. That way my father can't stop me before they get here."

She gave me a smile and headed back out the door. I made my way over to Adam's table and I saw a few heads follow me. I sat down across from him and waited for him to look up. It took a few seconds for him to notice me sitting at his table. 

"Lily is that really you?"

"You sir look really sad. Please tell me what is wrong?"

"Well miss I had a best friend that moved away and it has been sometime since I have seen her. I do miss her terribly."

"I am sure she misses you too."

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed my friend to talk too. Elizabeth got us out of the castle and permission to come to the village. She knew that I needed you and that she wouldn't be able to help me. It is about Philip."

"What happened? What did he do?"

"It might just be in my head but I feel like things are starting to go back to how they were last year. Philip is becoming distant like he was before. We were talking and enjoying each others company up until a few weeks ago and now I am not so sure. I am just ready to go home though."

"Lily I am sorry that this is happening. If you want my original plan is always there and I will run away with you and we can go where ever you want to go. I am not sure what is going on with Philip but he is nuts if he lets you go but I did hear the royals were throwing a ball though."

"Yes I am going with Elizabeth like always."

I smiled and I noticed that he smiled too and I knew it made him a little happy that I hadn't been asked by Philip to go. Talking with Adam was so easy. We could talk about everything and anything and I knew he didn't judge me for anything I said. Adam turned his attention to what ever the commotion was behind me. I turned around to see what he was looking at and had noticed that Elizabeth had entered the tavern again. She was headed toward the table I was at. I couldn't believe the hour had gone by so fast.

"Hello Adam."

"Good Afternoon Princess."

"I'm sorry but we have to head back now."

I knew she wished I could have more time because I was finally feeling at home again and now I had to go back. I stood from the table and walked over to Adam. He stood up when I was in front of him and we both gave each other a hug. Once I pulled apart I turned and headed out the door with Elizabeth. I was hoping that Adam would be at the ball in a few weeks. I had hoped that the ride back to the castle would have been longer than it was. We arrived to the castle and brought over the horses to the stable. Once they were back in the care of the stable hands Elizabeth took off towards the castle. She didn't say a word to anyone and I decided I wasn't going to try to keep up with her.

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