Chapter 21

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When we pulled apart from kissing and just looking in his eyes it just seemed perfect. It is when I heard clapping I started to look around. We weren't in the middle of the hallway anymore. I looked back at Phillip and it was like he hadn't noticed yet.

"Phillip we aren't in school anymore." That is when he started to look and he turned his attention back to me.

"How did we end up here?"

"I guess it would be because we finally admitted how we felt about each other."

"Well are you happy?"

"As long as I am with you then yes I will always be happy." We broke apart and turned our attention to everyone else. He grabbed my hand and we moved towards the musicians. When we got up there and Phillip faced everyone. I didn't know how we got back here but we were back at the ball the night I left. I don't know what everyone was happy and clapping but I was sure it would all come out soon enough.

"Attention my fellow men and women. As you have all known the last few months Lady Lily has been living within the castle to form a better relationship. Within those weeks I was letting her decide if she would want to be with me. I am happy to announce that she has chosen to be with me like I have chosen to be with her. I love this girl with everything I can offer her."

I blushed as everyone turned towards me. Then the night in the restaurant came back to me how he said he wanted to ask me to marry him at the end of the ball. We were at the end of the ball. I looked down at my hand and there was the ring he was talking about. I never chose Adam and never went home it was like no time had gone away. I looked out into the crowd and saw my parents. They both looked happy and proud to call me their daughter. Seeing them both together was what I knew as the missing piece in my family. Looking through the rest of the crowd I couldn't find Adam and I wondered if he was still here or if he was now only in the future. As I kept looking around I did come across Elizabeth and I could tell she was mad. I thought she would be happy that I was finally happy but the look she had could kill someone. The King and Queen came up and were standing next to Phillip. Everyone was looking to him now to see what he would say.

"My fellow noble men it is my honor to tell you all that I will be stepping down as King and my son and his future wife will be taking over the kingdom next month. It is time for myself and my wife to enjoy some time together. It has been wonderful being your king but I would like to have the pressure off of me." Everyone started clapping again. The King was going to step down from the crown. Next month I will be married and the Queen. I was nervous and excited all at the same time.

"Thank you all. I hope to rule as fair and justice as my father has." He gave my hand a kiss and I smiled. I knew I needed to talk to Elizabeth. I wanted to know why she did what she did to destroy the most special relationship in my life. Everyone said their congratulations and good byes and started to leave.

"Baby, I am so happy for you. I can tell you two will be very happy together."

"Thank you mom. I promise I will come home and see you as much as I can."

"Don't worry about that sweetie. Your father and I could always come and visit you as much as we can. We will never go without seeing each other too long."

I gave both my parents a hug then watched them walk out of the ball room. They were the last two people to leave so when they were gone I went to Elizabeth who was still sulking in the corner since all the announcements were made. She didn't look up when I sat down next to her.

"Elizabeth we need to talk." She finally lifted her head to look at me.

"Hello Lily. I guess congratulations are in order." She had such an attitude to her.

"Yes I am with the guy I love. I'm just trying to figure out why you have been trying to pull your brother and me apart. What changed?"

"It is easy if my brother didn't take over the thrown in the next few months then I wouldn't have to worry about being married off for a while to some other country for political gain. You don't have that issue you get to stay close to your family."

"I had to leave my home I grew up in and all my friends to come here. Now looking back I am glad I did because I have found the one guy I am in love with and can picture spending the rest of my life with."

"Well I guess in the end your love won over everything else. I don't regret saying what I did because I was trying to protect myself in the long run. I have a feeling which country my brother will align with and I didn't want to go there."

"Well Elizabeth I don't think we could be friends anymore. If you would be willing to have me be unhappy to protect yourself than I don't want to be around you anymore." I stood up and walked away. I was just getting more mad being around her and listening to her. I went back over to Phillip and he took my hand.

"Is everything okay?"

"It will be I just found out you were right about your sister."

"I'm sorry I can't believe she would try to ruin our relationship to protect herself."

"It just hurts because I thought she was my friend and it turns out she doesn't care about me at all."

"Well she might not but I certainly care about you." He gave me a kiss and I gave him one back in return. I wasn't sure what our future would look like ruling and dealing with the different struggles. I knew that as long as I had Phillip I would be able to do anything and I hoped that he knew that he would always have me by his side. I was glad that Phillip came back and made me realize how much I really did love him and need him in my life. Now it was just up to the future to how the rest of our lives would go.

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