Chapter 20

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Phillip walked back to my house and up to the front door. My heart was happy that he was here but I knew he couldn't stay. If he stayed then the past would change. The homecoming dance was only a week away and I knew how fast a week could go by. I made my way into my house after saying good bye to Phillip and watching him walk away. I wasn't sure how far of a walk he had but he was telling me it wouldn't be a long walk. My mother was in the living room when I turned around to head to my room. I saw her sitting in her chair. I made my way to the couch and sat down next to my mother. She didn't move or say anything right away. I wasn't home when she got home from work but that was usually how it went.

"How was your night sweetie?"

"It went well. I was out with Kara and a few friends. We went to the bistro downtown." I wish she would know who Phillip was again. It was nice talking to her back in time when she was able to tell me how Phillip and Adam could be a choice. Now I felt alone.

"Who was that young gentlemen that dropped you off?" I had a feeling she had been looking out the window.

"He is a new student in school with his friend. His name is Phillip. Kara was out with his friend and asked me to go out with him."

"I know that look. You like him." I gave my mom a look. We were close no matter what universal we were in.

"Yes I do have a crush on him."

"Well you don't see guys who are willing to walk a young girl home. He has a plus in my book." That meant a lot that she approved of him here too. Of course in the past it was because of his ranking but it was still her picking him. She could see him with me and not feel doubt about the guy I choose. I knew I was reading into this but it was how it felt to me.

"Yea you could say he lives in the medieval times." I laughed a little.

"Well that isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes I wish the chivalry thing never died."

"Doesn't dad do things for you?"

"He did when we first starting dating but as time went on and he got promoted and better at his job than those nice things were slowly stopped. Now we barely talk." I could see the sadness in my mom's face. My family was better before. I guess I never saw it until I had it. I wanted both my parents around even if they weren't around all the time but they had each other. That is all I wanted for my mom and dad was to be there for each other. In this world if I ever did leave my mom would be on her own.

"I guess I didn't know what chivalry was until I saw it."

"Well don't lose hope now that you have seen how to be treated don't ever let it go away."

"Thanks mom. I'm going to head to bed." I got up from the couch and went over and gave my mom a kiss. And made my way to my bedroom. I threw my purse down on my chair. I reached in and grabbed my cell phone out of my purse and saw that Kara had been trying to get a hold of me. I decided I would just wait until tomorrow to talk to her. I got changed and ready for bed. I was starting to get a headache and I figured it was from the day I was having. I climbed into bed and just hoped that sleep would come soon.

Waking up was hard to do. I wasn't ready to move and I didn't think I wanted too. I was too tired to move around. I couldn't believe how much my stress was taking everything out of me. My mom was right the more I thought about it Phillip treated me like how every girl wants to be treated. I never knew how nice it would feel to have the chivalry until we left that world. Laying there I knew I was getting closer and closer to the dance and a decision. I thought I made up my mind but things in the past had a decision made for me. I heard my front door close and a car start up. Looking at my clock I knew it was my dad leaving for work. I haven't seen him in a few days and was wondering when he would be around. Sometimes a girl just needs her dad and I didn't have mine around. Growing up was different, he hadn't made it to partner of his job and he had many hours of free time. When he decided he wanted to fit into a world of money he turned his attention away from me and towards his career. As he started to climb up the ladder the less time he was with us. I liked it better when we didn't have all the money in the world.

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