Chapter 12

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During the week I was able to get out to the lake more with the help of Philip because he would tell everyone we were going on a ride and he would let me go to the lake while he went off riding. After an hour or two he would met up with me and we would ride back to the castle together. Between seeing the lake and my lessons I was a busy person. I never realized how much went into ruling a country and I was always hoping that I wouldn't screw up when it came to be our time. The more time I was spending with Philip and getting to know him, the more I was beginning to think I was falling in love with him. I had never felt this way about someone before and it was all new and exciting to me. I was still upset that Elizabeth and I still weren't talking but I was hoping over this last month she would have been able to move on and we would be able to be friends again but I didn't see that happening. Philip and I had just arrived back to the stables when I snapped out of my thoughts, it was nice to get out and be able to enjoy my favorite place but also to share a little of it with him too.

"Lily thank you for going on a ride with me."

He helped me off Freedom and we handed over our reigns to the stable boy. He led me back up to the house and I was hoping we weren't late. I didn't like to keep Catherine waiting because I was really enjoying the lessons I was taking with her and everything that she was teaching me. I still didn't feel like I would ever be prepared to help Philip.

"Good Morning Catherine."

"Good Morning Lily. I am sorry to inform that Elizabeth will not be joining us today."

Elizabeth had been coming less and less and I was sure she was mad at me still and it was starting to worry me because we had never gone this long without talking to each other.  I wanted to know what was going on in her life and to be able for us to talk and tell each other everything that was happening with us. I never knew how much I would end up missing having her in my day to day life.

"Philip your father was looking for you. Plus it is time for you to leave us to get our work done."

She gave her son a smile and Philip gave a nodded and headed out of the drawing room. During my lessons I was learning how to project my ideas without making it seem like they were my ideas. This was one I took a lot of interest in because I knew it would be the one I would use the most.  How I would go about preparing the many parties that would take place and how to finance different events. I loved everything I was learning because these were things that I would use through my time here.

"Now Lily today I want to pick up on learning different War Language and how each troop is displayed differently."

I just nodded because this was the one thing I didn't fully like about the future position. I didn't want to fully understand when it came to sending someone to a life or death situation. Catherine went on to talk about how each troop had different leaders and how they were stationed in different parts of the Countries land to keep certain parts more guarded than others. Then we did have the ships too and I was trying to pay close attention to it all but I was hoping this would be one part I would never need to help in.

"That is all for today Lily. I am hoping that Elizabeth will be back tomorrow to join us again."

I just nodded because I didn't know what to say, I had no idea that Elizabeth wasn't even here. I must be a horrible friend that I didn't even notice that she hadn't been here. Catherine stood up and I did the same. We both curtsied to each other and she made her way out of the room. As soon as Catherine was out of the room it was like Philip knew and he was always walking in when the lesson . I looked at the door for a few seconds and realized he wasn't coming and figured he must still be with his father.

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