Chapter 6

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Chapter Six!!! WOOHHOOOOO!!! Sorry for the  REAAALLLYYYYYYYY late upload guys!! I'lltry my BEST to upload more often! ONWARDS!! oh, and *A/N* means Authors Note,it means im saying something, for those who dont know. :D

Chapter Six

..I saw...

That I had over 3,000 new follower requests!! When i last checked it i had about 150 followers or so!

'How did this happen??" I thought.

I scrolled down the list to the last person i knew who followed me before i gained all these followers. Right there were 5 familiar names with tthe blue check next to them. 'The boys' fans mustve thought i was someone special since they all followed me at once.' I thought. I decided to tweet one of them.

The first name was Zayn's so clicked it and tweeted him.

'''JiaFnd: @zaynmalik How did you find me??"'

He mustve been online because he replied immediately.

'''zaynmalik: @JiaFnd Hey ,oh haha yeah @Nina_Fnd gave me noth of your twitter names so we all followed you when we got home. Today was really fun by the way we should all go out again"

'Nina. Of course. Thats probably why she ran back earlier' i thought.

"'JiaFnd: @zaynmalik ooohhh okaayyy nd yeah it was fun! Lol :)"'

I didnt really know what else to say

I started looking through other stuff. I had a ton mentions. Some nice and some hate, from the boys' fans but i was scrolling past it all. I didnt know what to do, so for now i wasnt replying to any of it.

'It will probably die down in a day or two. Its not like im gonna be hanging with them anymore. We just got lucky today.' I thought.

"zaynmalik: @JiaFnd DM me yeah ?"

"JiaFnd: Yeah sure"

After I replied to him, I went and DM'd him.

Me: Heyy

Zayn: Hey Jia! Hows it goin'?

Me: All good thanks, how about you?

Zayn: Good good, hey are you busy tomorrow?

'Uh oh' I thought. I already know where this is going.

Me: yeaah just gotta pick up Nina early from school around 2 pm-ish, then idk probbly go home.

Zayn: Great! Would you and Nina like to join the boys and I at lunch tmoro at Nandos? (A/N GUYS LETS JUST PRETEND NANDOS IS IN AMERICA TOO)

I didnt really know waht to do at that point. I knew it was coming. Nisha would love it, and i gues s it WOULD be fun, but what about all the fans on all these social networks? I kind of hesitated before telling Zayn my final desicion.



CLIFFHANGER!!!! HAHA sorry guise! Find out Jia;s reply in the next chappy WHICH I WILL TRY MY BESTTTTTTT TO GET UP SOOOONN!!!! Thanks for all the supprt guys! It means a lot. And I'd love if you could keep spreading the word of this story!




.................................I LOVE YOU FUNKY PEOPLE!! <3

i do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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