Chapter 1: Unwanted Date

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It's Friday night, and I am going out on a date with a girl I've known for maybe ten years. I'm basically being forced to go on this date, my mother contacted Blue and is desperately trying to get us together. Blue has had a crush on me since we first met, and Mom knew about it. She used to live in the same town as me and was over quite often. She's been attracted to me for years. The thing is, I'm not attracted to the brown haired girl at all, I'm actually fond of other men. I told Mom that I was gay when I turned eighteen when I brought a boy home. She pretended that I'm not gay and am in fact straight. She won't accept it and sends me off on dates with random girls every once in while. She's been trying the hardest with Blue since we're similar. It's honestly the most irritating thing in the world. I love Mom too much to cut her out of my life, so I go along with it.

"Hi Charmie!" I said as I entered my house and took my coat off. I live alone with the Charmander I am raising.

I sighed as I entered my bathroom to get changed for this "date." I've gone out with this insane woman about six times now, and no matter what I do, she won't stop contacting me. She's driven my past boyfriends away due to her threatening them. I can't move on with her invading my life.

I put on a pair of khaki pants and wore a white button up shirt. I know that it's dumb to even bother looking nice for a woman I have no feelings for, but I don't like to look like a slob at a fancyish restaurant.

I put back on my coat and grabbed my wallet and headed out of my house to meet Blue at the French restaurant. I don't even like French food, and yet I'm going just to spare my mother's feelings.

It's snowing outside, and I'm happy about it. I love it when it snows in this city. Celadon always looks amazing with a white blanket of snow covering it. The snow will make this terrible night a little bit better.

"Reddyyy! Over here!" Blue waved when she saw me enter the restaurant. I sighed and headed towards the small booth she was sitting at.
"Did you miss me?" She asked as she batted her eyelashes.
"Sure." I said quietly. Of course I didn't miss her.
"I missed you a bunch!" She said as she leaned forward to kiss my cheek.
"Did you order already?" I asked.
"Nope! I just got here."

I picked up the menu and browsed at the food the restaurant had to offer. Most of the foods were in French and I had no idea what it was. Nothing seemed appealing, especially my date. Fuck it, I'll just order something random.

As I was reading the confusing menu, the waiter came to us.
"Bonjour! Sorry it took so long, what would you like to drink?" The waiter asked.
I felt my heart beat faster as I continued to look at him. He has spiky brown hair and vibrant green eyes. He's very tall, and has chiseled features. His name tag read Green.

"I would like a water." Blue said. I continued to stare at him. He looked at me and waited for me to order.
"What about you sir?" He asked with a smile.
"I um, uh, uh, a Pepsi! Haha!" I said with a nervous laugh. I wanted to slam my head on the table. I don't even like Pepsi!
"Alright! I'll be right back!" He said while walking away. Ugh, he's really attractive.

I continued to look at the menu to keep Blue from talking to me. Blue sure can talk up a storm. After browsing the menu for the fourth time, she spoke to me.

"So how has work been?" She asked with a bright smile.
"Have you been getting plenty of sleep?"
"Why don't you ever talk to me with, well, enthusiasm?" She asked with a frown.
"You know why." I replied while propping my head up with my hands.
"I don't! I try so hard to make you happy but you look unamused all the time."
"I'm always unamused." I said. Blue frowned.

"Alright, here are your drinks!" Green said while placing the drinks in front of us. I felt my face heat up.
"Are you two ready to order?" He asked with a bright smile. Blue ordered some confusing ass dish that had lamb or something in it. I didn't pay attention to them while she ordered.
"Red. Order." Blue said sternly.
"I um, I want the, um uh-"
"Red!" Blue said, irritatedly. Green just stared at me with a concerned face.
"Um, I want, uh, this." I said while pointing to some random entree. I literally want to die right now, I'm so embarrassed.
"Which one?" He asked while leaning in towards me to read the menu. I felt my face flush and my heart pounded even harder when he got near me. I pointed my shaking hand to what I wanted, at least I think it was the same order.
"Haha alright, I'll be back with your orders!" Green said with a smile and a wink. Did he just wink at me? Does he feel bad for me? Is this out of pity?

"What is wrong with you? You never act like this!" Blue said with a scowl.
"Sorry." I said.
"What's wrong Red?"
"Nothing, just don't want to be here." I explained.
"Lighten up Red."

Blue continued to talk about stuff that I wasn't interested in at all. She is an assistant for some company's boss. Her boss is an old pervert and makes sexual remarks towards her. Even though I don't like her, she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. It's always like this when I'm forced to go on dates with her. She talks the entire time and I don't listen.

"Here is your food! Enjoy!" Green said with a smile. I looked at my food and still had no idea what it was. It's some sort of mystery meat, like it looks like it could be literally anything. Blue did a little prayer before eating and dug in. I slowly ate my food, it wasn't bad, but wasn't good.

"Why are you acting so nervous tonight?" She asked while cutting into her food.
"I don't know."
"Is it because of the waiter?"
"It better not be." She said while biting into her lamb. What a bitch.
We ate our food and Green came back with the tab.

"Here you are! I hope you have an excellent night!" He said while looking at me. I opened the tab and saw that a phone number was scribbled on the receipt. I felt my face flush, once again. He left me his number! I had to force myself not to smile, Blue would snatch it away from me.
"Why is your face red?" She asked.
"It's uh, a little warm in here." I lied. Blue gave a side smile and continued eating. Do I text him when I get home? Or now? Or next week? No. I need to text him tomorrow.

Blue and I walked out of the restaurant and went towards her car.
"Thanks for taking me out!" She said with a smile.
"Yeah." I said with a sigh. Blue hugged me goodbye and got into her car. I don't live too far from here, so I walked home.

I entered my house and took of my coat and headed to my bedroom, I'm ready for bed.
Usually when I went on my forced dates with Blue, I would invite my man friend over to watch a movie or do other stuff. Since I'm single right now, I might as well go to bed. I'll have to text Green tomorrow, I don't want to seem too desperate. I can't explain the feelings that I had earlier today. I've never been so awkward in my life. I never stutter around guys or blush like that. Hopefully it's a one time thing.

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