Chapter 14: Disaster

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"Why hello, Red." She said. How the hell did she and Blue get in here?! I changed the locks!
"What are you doing here?!" I yelled. This is ten times worse that Green is here. Green gave me a confused look. He was awkwardly standing in the door way.
"I'm here to congratulate you and Blue on your engagement!" She said while standing up from the couch.
"You're engaged?" Green asked with a frown. I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.
"Isn't it great! He asked me last night!" Blue said as she hugged me.
"N-no! It's not like that!" I yelled. Oh dear god why does this have to happen to me?! Green frowned.
"It is like that. You gave her a ring and everything." Mom added.
"You're engaged and agreed to be my boyfriend?" Green said with a scowl.
"No!" I yelled.
"Boyfriend? Red isn't gay." Blue said.
"Yes I am! You know this!" I spat.
"You're not allowed to be a homo." Mom said while folding her arms.
"You can't force me to be straight Mom! You can't force me to marry a woman!" I screamed.
"Does your Mom not accept you?" Green asked. I shook my head while looking down.
"Sorry that he has led you on, but he is just going through a phase." Mom said to Green.
"He's not going through a phase." Green said. His face was red.
"He just thinks that he's gay. He decided to be gay when he was eighteen." Blue said.
"He clearly doesn't know what he wants." Mom said.
"That doesn't mean anything. That's probably when he came out." Green defended.
"Tell me, when did you decide to be gay?" Mom asked Green.
"Oh I was born gay." Green said.
"Hm, clearly you're confused as well. No one is born gay. It's just an act to get attention. Homosexuality isn't a real thing." Mom said with a smile. Green's face was bright red now.
"I want you two to leave. I am gay and I am not marrying Blue." I said with a scowl.
"You are going to marry her. You have no choice." Mom said.
"I'm twenty seven. You can't force me to do anything." I said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I can't cry in front of them! I'll look weak!
"I am your mother! You will do as I say!" She yelled.
"Besides, what's so great about your "boyfriend." What pleasure can he give you that a woman can't? It was never God's intention for guys to date." Blue added.
"That doesn't matter to me! I love Green for who he is in the inside!" I yelled. Did I just say love? Green's eyes widened.
"Love him?" Blue asked. Her eyes looked puffy.
"He doesn't love him. He just thinks he does. You need to leave, Green." Mom said.
"Don't tell him what to do! This isn't your house! You leave!" I spat. SMACK! She just struck me across the face. I stood there in shock. She's never hit me. I couldn't move, or react. Green looked just as surprised. Blue didn't show any emotion.
"Now then, Green, you need to leave. You are getting in the way of their wedding." Mom said.
"I-I told, you. I'm, I'm not *sniff* gonna.. marry, her." I struggled to say.
"You already proposed to me, you have to." Blue said.
"I! I was, set up!"
"How were you set up?" Green asked. He had a frown on his face.
"Blue planted a ring in my coat pocket, I, I took it out to see, what it was. She "thought" I was proposing. I wasn't." I said with my head down.
"You two women are horrible people! You can't force him into marriage! This is the pettiest thing I have ever heard!" Green yelled. Mom just stared at him.
"Red, I don't want you to see this boy again." She said with a frown.
"Why, why do you have such a problem with accepting that I'm homosexual?" I asked. She's never truly explained it to me.
"Because it's unnatural." She answered.
"Shouldn't you love me for who I am?!" I yelled. Tears were pouring out of my face.
"I do love you, I love you very much. This is why I am trying to save you from a miserable life." She explained. This is not saving me!!
"So forcing him to be straight when he's not is to "save" him from being miserable? That's just gonna do the opposite!" Green said.
"You have no business in this conversation. Stay out of it!" Blue yelled.
"Shut up! Shut up! You two weren't even invited to come here in the first place. You have no right to tell my guest what to do! I want a real answer from you Mom. You can't be this ignorant!" I screamed. Green wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Don't tell your mother to shut up!" Blue yelled.
"It is immoral. Unnatural. Disgusting. I will not allow my son to ruin his life by being "gay." You're just confused. You will feel disgusted when you realize who you really are." She explained.
"Leave." I said.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"Leave! Get out of my house. You too Blue!" I screamed.
"You're an ungrateful little brat! Treating me like this after everything I've done for you! You are just like your father!" She yelled. She went to grab her bags.
"At least I like my father!" I screamed. Mom stopped what she was doing.
"How could you say that!" Blue shouted. Mom walked over to me and dragged me by the arm.
"You're coming back to Pallet Town with me. And you have no choice." She said while trying to drag me out of the door.
"Stop!" I yelled. Blue grabbed my other arm and did the same thing.
"I said stop!" I closed my eyes tight, trying to resist their pulling.
Green wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from those two lunatics.
"You two need to leave before I call the police! You could get arrested for trespassing!" Green yelled.
"We're leaving. But we'll be back for the wedding." Mom said. Blue and Mom left the house. I sat down in the middle of my entry foyer, and I cried. Green sat down with me and wrapped his arms around me.

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