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5 years later

I pulled out my phone, glad to be finally off the plane and sitting down with leg room. I switched my phone on, staring at the apple symbol and waited for the influx of messages.

While waiting for my phone to gain reception, I stared at my left hand, my engagement ring glinting in the sun. It threw hundreds of rainbows on the wall next to me, and I smiled. I couldn't wait to get in to Sydney and pick up my wedding dress!

My phone buzzed in my right hand, and I focused on the screen. Isaac, my fiancé, of course was the first message to come through.

Isaac: Hey beautiful! Hope your flight was good! Not long now until you're back in Sydney!  I'm in meetings all day, so I'll call you later tonight. Love you! xx

I smiled, ecstatic to be heading back to my favourite city, but I was already missing Isaac. It was such a pain he couldn't come for this leg, but I was also excited to have a week to explore and meet up with friends. No deadlines, no clients, no responsibilities. A purely selfish trip. Bliss.

Another message caught my eye as the notification lit up my phones screen. It was Josh! God, it had been a long time since we'd talked. I touched the screen to open it.

Josh: Hey you! Long time no talk hey?! I saw you're going to be in Sydney this week, want to meet up?

I smiled, it had been a long time! And it would be nice to put a face to the name in the real world. Photos only did so much.

The common sense part of my brain kicked in, "is it really smart to meet randoms off the internet in a city 2000km from home, alone Liss?", I asked myself. I pondered this thought, and shook my head. "You know him Liss! You spoke to him constantly for three years!" I thought to myself.

I looked down at my phone, and there was another message from Josh.

Josh: Come on Liss! Don't be a chicken!

I grinned stupidly. Good to know he still knows me.

Liss: Takes one to know one, jerk!

Josh: Good to see you've still got that fire happening Lissy! So, shall we meet up while your here? Go and take some shots of Sydney?

Liss: Always Joshy, can't stop my sass. And of course! Why would I turn that down? I love seeing cities through other people's eyes, even if they are yours.

Josh: Owch! Again with the zingers. Good to know you haven't started being a nice person.

Liss: Shhhh. You'll blow my cover! I'm pretending to be nice, but you know the real truth.

Josh: Always Lissy, always. So, when are you free for me to show you this fine city?

Liss: Well, I've got tomorrow night and Friday night free - take your pick!

Josh: How does tomorrow sound? I'll pick you up, just give me the address where you're staying and I'll see you, say 6pm?

Liss: Sounds good! I'm staying just off of George Street, I'll send through directions later, I'm about to board my next plane.

Josh: Awesome! Now off you go, I know how last minute you are and you don't want to miss your flight. Talk soon miss! xo

Liss: Ha ha ha. Talk to you when I'm in the same postcode! xo

I shut my phone down before I could get distracted again, and power walked to my gate before I did indeed miss my flight.

I showed the steward my ticket, smiling broadly at him. "How's your day going?" I asked him.

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