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We came to a stop at some traffic lights, and Josh turned to me and smiled.

"So, I was thinking burgers for dinner - any objections?"

I grinned, "Um, how about none what so ever?! Burgers are my favourite!" I replied, getting hungrier by the minute.

"Excellent! I was hoping you'd like them, I've got my favourite burger joint lined up for us tonight. They do incredible southern fried chicken." Josh replied, his eyes dancing with glee.

I laughed, "I don't think I've ever seen someone get so excited over burgers as you are right now!" I teased back at him.

Josh gave me a fake, stern look, and replied "You obviously haven't had good burgers then have you?"

The light turned green, and Josh took off. We took a few more twists and turns, and pulled into a small car park between two tall skyscrapers. Josh jumped out of the car and raced around to my side of the car and opened up my door for me.

I sat there, a little stunned and looked up at Josh with a raised eyebrow. "You do know I am capable of that hey?" I joked back cheekily.

"It's just my way of hurrying you up so we aren't late!" He joked back, and winked again.

I pulled myself out of the car, and my foot landed on slightly uneven ground. Next thing I knew, I was falling, and all I could think was "God this is going to hurt!"

Before I hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around my waist moments before my face hit the ground. I grabbed the arms around me, and looked up at Josh through my messy hair and eyelashes. Josh brushed my hair off my face, and looked down at me grinning. My breath caught as I looked back at him. I ran a hand through my hair and laughed nervously.

"Look at me falling for you already!" I joked back, and steadied myself back on my feet.

Josh chuckled, "They all do at some stage." His hands were still wrapped around my waist. We looked at each other for a few minutes, neither of us moving, caught in a slight trance by one another. The places his hands sat tingled, and I was struck by this, alternating between confused and pleased. All of a sudden, I started vibrating. It broke us out of the trance, and I started searching for its source.

I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled out my iPhone, and looked down at the screen. Isaac's name flashed up, and I swiped to answer it.

"Hi honey!" I answered, slightly shaky and out of breath. Why was I feeling like he'd caught me doing something I shouldn't? I ran my hand through my hair again, trying to clear my head.

"Hey gorgeous! How are you going?" He asked, my heart pinging with the ache of missing him.

"I'm good! Just about to eat with Josh! He's picked a funky hole in the wall burger joint that he's very excited about!" I replied laughing. I looked over at Josh and he was poking his tongue out at me. I motioned silently for him to lead the way to dinner. I followed just behind him, walking up a cobbled stone path.

"Oh that sounds good! You'll have to tell me all about it later! How was picking up your dress?" Isaac asked gleefully.

"Oh it was fantastic! It fit perfectly. I can't wait for you to see me in it!" I replied happily, momentarily forgetting about what had happened moments before.

Josh stopped for a second, and I stopped just shy of bumping into him. "Hey babe, am I able to call you before work tomorrow? We're about to get to the restaurant and I need to order." I spoke into the phone.

"No worries beautiful! I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you! Missing you!" He replied.

"Love you too. Miss your face! Talk to you tomorrow!" I replied back, and hung up the phone. I pocketed my phone and turned to Josh, his eyes already on my face.

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