10 1 1

Present Day

I leant over the bathroom counter, getting my face closer to the mirror so I could see my eyelashes clearly. Doing makeup when you where short-sighted was a bitch. I brought the wand up, and contact was about to be made when I felt a hand grab my ass.

I whirled around, and came face to face with my cheeky husband.

"Isaac! You know not to do that while I'm applying makeup!" I said sternly.

Isaac threw a smirk my way, his eyes twinkling. "I know Liss, but your butt looked too good and I just had to show my appreciation!" He replied. I sighed, Isaac was too much of a good boy to swear. He didn't even say the word ass!

l laughed at him. "I know my ass looks good, that's why I wear this skirt." I said, lifting one side of my lips up into a sly smile. "Got to show off these curves!"

"That you do babe." Isaac said as he retreated out of the bathroom to finish getting ready for church.

Church. I inwardly groaned at all the people I was going to have to play nice with already. As a wife of a board member, I had to be on my best behaviour. I mean, as a Christian, I tried to do good, to be good. But it was hard. When someone said something obnoxious, it took everything in me not to come back with a smart comment. And don't get me started on my sailors mouth. That was hard to control!

I turned back to the mirror, and finished coating my lashes in the black goo that made them stand out. I stood back, popped my glasses on, and surveyed my appearance. Nodding to my reflection approvingly, I smoothed down my skirt and walked out the door.

Just as I walked out, Isaac grabbed me and spun me around for a hug. I giggled, and leaned into his chest.

"I'm seriously rethinking my decision to be at church this morning, I'd much rather be back in bed with you." Isaac said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. He spun me around, and pulled me into another hug.

"I know, I know, but we should really make an appearance and see some people." I said back, looking up at him.

"But people are horrible. I don't feel like socialising."  He replied, mock frowning at me.

I sighed. "Do you ever feel like socialising?" I asked, smirking at him, trying to hide my annoyance. It was the same argument every time.

"You got me there! You know I'm an introvert though." He said, kissing my cheek. Isaac walked away, and I followed him into the lounge room. He paused, and he just about fell down into the arm chair. I walked over, and perched on its arm, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Another dizzy spell?" I asked, frowning.

"Yeah, another one. I'm so over all of this Liss."

"I know babe, I know. I've booked the flights to Sydney for your appointment though, so there's some hope there." I said, mustering as much confidence and optimism as I could.

For as long as I could remember, Isaac had been sick with an unknown illness. Food intolerances, constant migraines, dizzy spells, constant fatigue, mood swings. No one could tell us what was wrong. It taxed on both of us. We tried so many things, and nothing really got us any further to a diagnosis or management plan. It was hard not to get frustrated with him sometimes. I loved him, but it was tough.

"Next thing I have to do is find accommodation. Maybe I'll message a friend of mine to find out where's going to be best." I said, blabbering on to distract him from the episode.

"Sounds good honey."

I hopped off the couch, and went in search of my phone to message Josh. He was always my go to guy for anything Sydney.

I walked into the bathroom, and my eyes landed on my phone. I grabbed it, opened up my messages, and tapped the search bar. I typed in Josh's name, staring at the date from our last message. Whoah, it was more than 4 years ago!

I typed up the message.

Hey Josh! Long time no talk hey?! I have a quick question I need your expert advice on. Zac has a specialist appointment in Sydney, and I'm trying to figure out the best place for us to stay that's going to be close to where it's at. The appointment is in Newtown. Any ideas on what's going to be easiest? Zac isn't the easiest person to deal with in a city haha!

I sent it off, and went to check to see if Isaac was ready to head out.


It was late, and I couldn't sleep. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through Facebook, hoping to bore myself into some semblance of sleep. I was neck deep in BuzzFeed posts before a message banner appeared on the top of my phone. It was Josh.

Josh: Hey Lissy! It has been a while hey! Well, you have a few options, one of those is my place. I'm just a few suburbs over, if you guys are keen? Bec and I would love to have you.

I typed up a reply

Liss: Really? That would be amazing Josh! It'd be great to see you, and meet Bec as well. How are you going anyway?

I saw the dots come on the screen to indicate a reply was being typed up. I smiled.

Josh: Absolutely no trouble Lissy, it'll be great to meet Isaac as well. Put a face to the name and all that. I'm going well, loving life in Sydney. Haven't been able to get out and shoot as much as I would like, but one has to sacrifice things when you're adulting hey?

Liss: I'm so jealous! I'd love to have been in Sydney by now, but we're stuck here for a bit longer with Zac's job. And don't get me started on adulting. It's definitely not all it's cracked up to be, hey?

Josh: Aww, Lissy. You'll get to Sydney soon enough!

Liss: I know, I know. But you know me. I'm not particularly patient am I?

Josh: That's a hard fact to forget about you. There's actually not too much one can forget about you Liss. You are pretty memorable. I think it has to do with that smart mouth of yours...

Liss: Damn straight! Though it gets me in more trouble than it's worth sometimes! It's hard to keep it shut haha!

Josh: I definitely remember that about you! Always a comment for something.

Liss: Always Josh, always. Anyway, I need to get to sleep. Work tomorrow and I need not to kill anyone.

Josh: no murder charges for you! Sleep tight Lissy.

Liss: You too Josh

I smiled as I put my phone down. I can't wait to see Josh again and meet Bec. I'd heard a lot about you. Isaac was going to be estatic about cheap accommodation as well.

I rolled over and looked at the form of my sleeping husband. Worry settled in the pit of my stomach. What if we couldn't find what was making him sick? What would another unanswered question do to him?

I hated seeing him sick and frustrated. The whole time we had been together I had never seen him healthy and it broke my heart. He was so selfless, always putting me first, doing everything to make me comfortable. He was there when my parents split up, and I got sick he didn't falter to look after me. He was the kindest, good hearted man I know. My heart swelled, and I rolled a bit closer to him, wrapped an arm over and snuggled in for sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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