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Anna secretly knew a kid called Kevin would turn out a brat.
But she had reasons to get away from home and her parents as far and fast as possible and in consequence, here she stands. Here being the front lawn of a neat red brick house somewhere in the English countryside, in a village she'd never heard of two weeks prior. And the brat called Kevin does his best to give a bad first impression while his Mom, a slightly overweight and clearly overstrained English mom drips friendliness and enthusiasm over Kevin's new au pair like sweet honey. Mom is also obviously pregnant.
She ushers Anna into a house overfilled with oriental carpets and painted porcelain figurines, tastelessly topped of by artificial greenery. Monica—at least Anna understood her new employer's name—chatters on in her almost incomprehensible accent. Anna suppresses a sigh and asks in her own best school-English for the bathroom.
Of course Monica doesn't understand. At least five-year-old Kevin seems to have a better grasp of her meaning and pulls her along towards an incredibility of pink, floral-patterned tiles and lavender-scented towels. The loo at least looks similar to the devices she knows. Anna tries to usher Kevin out the door but has to admit after an entirely useless fight and some ear-splitting screeches it's probably better to get used to the tiny tyrant's presence.

He will be her sole responsibility in the coming half year, after all, while his mom concentrates on the new baby. At least he shuts up when he realises she is not about to throw him out anymore and picks up a yellow rubber duck to play with in the empty bathtub.
Anna takes a mental note. Rubber-ducky calms young Kevin down. Her immediate needs cared for, she returns to the sitting room, where Monica serves strong black tea. Yeah, right, English drink tea. Another sigh to suppress: Anna would give her soul for a real cup of coffee right now. For a nineteen-year-old, she's already a hard addict. But probably she shouldn't mention this right away. Kevin, having found a plastic plane, starts to wreak havoc again. Anna successfully saves her teacup and wonders how in the world she'll ever master her future charge. At least Monica remains undisturbed by her sons escapades.
Anna is glad when Thomas, Monica's husband returns from the office. Immediately, Kevin concentrates all his attention upon daddy—for almost five minutes, allowing Anna to relax and take several deep breaths. Gosh, is the man good looking.

This first evening, after an endless struggle to put Kevin to bed and another one to understand what Monica considers the new au pair's job, Anna sinks into a too soft, too rose-scented bed in utter exhaustion. This coming half year will certainly be an experience. Of which kind, Anna isn't sure yet. At least she'll earn some money and be back home in time to start university.

Anna and the Zs (on hold due to cancellation of the masterclass)Where stories live. Discover now