016- Now and Forever

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"Don't forget about me"

You felt naked, exposed.

Your own blood had formed a puddle on the cold, stone floor. He visited hourly now, leaving you on the brink of death each time. He made you take off your clothing, leaving you in only your under garments.

You didn't cry, you didn't scream. It felt like you were going insane. It had been weeks and you lost track of time.

"I'm back~"

You were silent.

You weren't afraid of him anymore. You don't think you ever were afraid of him.

"I have great news, my dove!" Samael was cheerful, grinning wide and dancing around. "I found your sweet, sweet boyfriend! I'll finally be able to kill him!" He cackled loudly as your head shot up and you looked at him with fearful eyes.

"P-Please," You stuttered, tears forming in your eyes. "I'll do anything! Just don't hurt him! Please..." A single tear ran down your cheek.

"Anything, huh?"

You nodded instantly. You didn't care about what happened to you. You only wanted to save Genji.

"There is one thing you can do for me. Be mine. Now and forever." Samael smirked.

You reluctantly nodded.

"Now and forever." You repeated.

"Good." He laughed and forcefully shoved your head in a bucket of boiling water.
This chapter is very short but I felt like it needed to be ^_^

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