022- McCree is honestly the best big bro ever

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"Everybody's got a red Solo cup, fill it up, fill it up"

There was always a risk of the two of you being together. He told you this from the beginning. But, you never seemed to care, which was something he admired about you.

Perhaps it was the way he cared for you and protected you that made you stay. Or maybe it was the way he opened up to you and loved you like you were the only person in the world that made it so difficult for you to let go.

As soon as you heard that Genji was going with Winston and Tracer to fight Doomfist, it broke your heart. You heard tales of Doomfist from other Talon agents. Some said that he strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies and that he was a Talon leader before he was locked away.

During the week leading up to the mission, Genji spent every second he could with you. And he held you tightly and kissed you passionately before he left.

It was supposed to be a quick mission.

But when did things ever work for Overwatch?

You frantically ran through the halls of the Watchpoint. When you finally reached the medbay and saw Angela you ran up to her.

"Where is he!?" You asked sternly as you tried to maintain your composure. She said nothing but grabbed your hand, leading you to where Genji was staying.

"He is in critical condition," Angela said quietly, grabbing Genji's limp hand and squeezing it tightly. "I suggest you prepare for the worst. I'll.... give you some privacy."

"H-hey baby," You said, caressing your lover's scarred cheek. "Doomfist really beat you up, huh?"

Pulling your hand away, you clenched your fists, trembling as you fought back tears. You turned away from your bedridden boyfriend and walked out of the medbay.

When you made it to your room and shut the door, you finally let tears fall. You should've stopped Genji. You knew of Doomfist's power. You knew this would happen.

So why didn't you stop him?

All of a sudden, in the middle of your breakdown, your phone rang. Lifting a trembling hand, you answered and brought the phone to your ear.


"Mi hija, what's wrong?" You heard your dad and you immediately relaxed.

"G-Genji he-he got hurt and we fought and it's all my fault and-" You stuttered though tears.

"Hija, calm down," Reaper's voice rang through your ears. "It's ok."

There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"I need you to tell the monkey that you're going to be taking a vacation, mi hija," He rasped. "Talon is going to have a meeting in a couple days and they have requested that you be there, I guess."

"But-" Your eyes widened in shock. This has never happened before. Sure, when you were little you sat in the corner and colored but when you were old enough and our dad trusted Sombra and Widowmaker enough they watched you.

"No buts mi princesa, now go tell the monkey." He said before hanging up. You sighed, before pulling out a suitcase and putting some necessities in it.

After finishing, you snuck into Genji's room and stole his tatted orange scarf from his closet and put it on. Grabbing your suitcase, you started to look for Winston while still trying to be seen by anyone.

"Hey Winston!" You shouted, while banging on his lab door. "I need to talk to you!" After a second the scientist opened the door.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" He said and you heard him give a small gasp at the sight of you in Genji's old scarf and you holding your suitcase.

"I need to take a vacation," You said nervously. "Family business." You added quickly.

"Hm," He hummed studying your features. "Alright, I'll make sure to make a note." He motioned for you to leave and you walked down the hall with your suitcase rolling behind you.

Right after you send a text to your dad saying that you were ready for him to pick you up, McCree approached you with a pained expression.

"Hey, so your leaving?" He said quietly, looking at the ground sadly.

"Dad wants me to take a vacation," You responded, taking his hand. "How could I refuse? Especially with all the drama that's been happening lately. I mean, I still see Samael in my dreams sometimes."

"I understand," McCree sighed, pressing a kiss onto your head. "Be careful, alright?" You nodded before he let you go.

You left the Watchpoint, relived to finally get some fresh air and boarded the plane your dad had sent you.

"Good evening, (Y/N)!" The pilot said over the loudspeaker as the plane took off. "Reaper told me to tell you to put whatever is in the crate on. It's for some masquerade ball or something."

You opened the crate and gasped. It was a short (f/c) dress and a mask. You held the dress up and groaned. Did you really have to wear this?

Slipping on the dress, you debated weather or not you should wear the scarf as well. After deciding that you could probably pull it off, you but the scarf and mask on and looked at your self in a mirror on the plane.

You were ready.

Broken Honor (Genji x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now