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I feel like there is this timer in my head choosing paths until it's too late.

Confusing, overthinking, curious but always ambitious to choose the right one too late.

I ignored this with temporary moments which I thought were real and forever;

Even if that "forever" was short and never to come.

Ignoring one thing messes up everything.

Not knowing how you truly feel makes you loose everything.

Questioning normality was an excuse for my weakness.

Still desiring something that will never happen is heartbreaking.

Months have passed,

And somehow everything hit at once.

Like a wave engulfing all my senses,

My timer finally stopped.

I walk through the shores we once called each other our own.

And I am left alone,
         Waiting for it to begin once more.

*****Work in progress*****
Keep staying strong🌙

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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