I Didn't Think This Through

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*Riley's POV*

I walk through the front door after meeting the one and only AmazingPhil. "RILEY WHAT THE ACTUAL BALLS I WAITED FOR YOU FOR AN HOUR?!?!" Oh boy. "ALEX!!! You'll never guess who I met today.!" I yell as I hand her the now cold coffee I bought her. 'Ugh, who?" "AMAZING-BLOODY-PHIL!!" Her face had a mixture of emotions. "Prove it." Oh I will but tomorrow. "Just you wait." I say as i walk out of the room leaving a very confused Alex in the lounge room.

*Phil's POV*

"DAN!!! COME IN HERE PLEASE!!" I yelled dragging out the please. I hear him groan from his room and walk out shirtless. "What Phil?" "Wow Dan don't be too excited to see me. Anyway tomorrow at 2 we are meeting our Neighbours so be ready and you have no choice. So look decent." I smile at him and walk into my room leaving his coffee on the bench along with him and his thoughts.

The rest of the day went normally, Dan stayed in his room all day, I watched episodes of Buffy then went to bed at 10 hoping to have a good night sleep.

I wake up to the sound of a plate crashing onto the floor. I sprint out of my room with my rubber chicken ready for whatever creature that was out here to attack at any moment. I peer into the kitchen and see Dan with a pan of bacon and eggs with a smashed plate all around his bare feet. "What the hell Dan?" He looks at me in shock . "Crap Phil you scared the shit out of me." He says panting whilst holding his heart. "I scared you? I basically just crapped myself waking up to what I thought was someone breaking in so I came to attack them." Dan looks at me confused.

"Even if I was someone trying to break in you mean to tell me you were planning on beating them up with a rubber chicken that makes the loudest noise even when you just breathe." I look down and shake the chicken hearing its awful skwarking sound. "Shut up I didn't think this through." "Clearly not."

"Why are you up this early anyway?" I ask starting to pick up the broken plate off the floor. "What do you mean early it's midday. And I was going to make you breakfast because I felt a bit bad for the way I've been treating you. Maybe meeting our neighbours will make me a bit happier." I smiled knowing that I'm slowly getting my old friend back.

*Alex's POV*

"ALEX!!!!" It's days like this that make me question why I live with her. "WHAT?" I scream back at her. "It's one thirty I suggest you get dressed seeing as were going next door in half an hour." Oh shit I completely forgot that we're 'meeting' Dan and Phil. I honestly don't know what to believe, like it seems very unlikely that she'd run into Phil Lester of all people.

I get up and quickly get dressed and do my hair, i don't bother with make up because it just doesn't appeal to me. I leave the bathroom to see Riley in the kitchen eating a piece of toast. "Shall we go?" I ask her while she shovels the last piece of toast in her mouth. "Yup." She answers as we start to walk next door. I knock and for some reason feel really nervous.

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