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-in skymedia-sky pov-

My phone was going like nuts! I wonder who it is. I picked it up and read the name...aphmau! I have always had a crush on aphmau...but she probably just sees me as a friend.
I answers the phone.
A=aph S=sky

A: hey sky!
S:hi aph, what up?
A: nothing much...well actually.
S:what is it?
A: well I got a load of tickets for love, love paradise and we got like way to many extra!So I was wondering if you might want the extras and we could meet you there?
S: OMG YESS!!!thank you aph!
A: no problem I will sent them up tonight and they should arrive tomorrow. Anyway I have to go now bai!
S: bai!!!

-end of call-
Woah aphmau is one of the most kindness people. But who out the offices should I take? Definitely Ross because he is like a bro to me. Red and Barney cause I could not take one and leave the other! Personally I just want to ship redney...even though it ain't real buuuutttt. Well Max too. I think that will do.

-time skip to the next day in the afternoon-

I was recording a murder mystery with red, Barney and Preston. When I heard a chap at my door. I paused the recording.
"COMW IN" I yelled.
Cory walked in.
"Sky I have like an envelope for you from aphmau." He said,
"Thanks!" I teared it open while Cory walked out.
I looked in 5 tickets to love, love paradise!!!! And we were meant to leave...TOMORROW?!?!CRAP! we need to get to the docks today! It's like a 5 hour drive! I stopped recording and got all the guys I was taking to go home get there stuff for a 2 week stay at love love paradise. Also for then to come back here and we will go in my old van. We all went home and packed.

-3 hour time skip-

All the guys got there stuff and cane back. After like 20 mins we started driving. Ross had his headphones on and listening to music. Max brought a computer to finish editing some videos. Red was already asleep and so was Barney. I was driving...

-mystreet now-Aphmau pov-

My alarm was ringing. I got up, and dressed...WAIT TODAY IS THE DAY WHEN WE GO TO LOVE~LOVE PARDISE!!! I am so hyped so see sky...I love him but he probably just sees me as a sister...nevermind that. Zane was driving me, Katelyn and kc to the dock and then garroth was driving Aaron and Travis.

-time skip to when they arrive after docks-

We arrived just in time! We got on the cruise seconds before it left the docks. I decided to walk around abit and I walked down to the arcade area. I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned it was...SKY!!!OMFG!!!I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey ssssskkkkkyyyy!" I said, he turned startled.
"OMG aph!!" He hugged me I hugged back.
"So when do think we will be arriving at --." Sky was cut off by an announcement.
"Attention we will be approaching love~love paradise in 1 minute" the aanocment said.
"Well let's get to the front of the ship so we can get off!"I said.
We started walking down to the front and just chatting, when my phone beeped, it was Zane.

A: walking to front of boat why?
Z: oh...are u alone?
A: no I have some people I want you to meet, tell the others to meet me at the gift shop!
Z: okay told them, bye aph
A: bye!

"Sky who did you bring with you?" I asked,
"Red, Barney, Max and Ross" sky said.
"Okay could you message them and ask them to meet us at the gift shop?"I asked,
"Yeah!"sky got his phone out and typed something, it beeped"they said okay!"
"Neat let's go!!!"I said.
We got off the boat and walked to the gift shop. I saw red, max, Ross and Barney! Sky and I ran over.
"Hey sky. Wait aphmau is that you?" Max asked,
"Yeah who do ya think I am dummy!?"I playfully punched him in the shoulder.
He looked at me.
"Aphmau you do realize I am a giant compared to you......YOU POTATO!!!" Max said, he was just joking around he always did this.
"I am a potato...a kawaii potato!" I said.
"Yes you are...."sky said.
I heard him I blushed.
"Well mr. Sky your a tall kawaii potato." I said. He blushed bright red.
"So aph, who you here with?" Red finally spoke up.
"I am here with a group of friends. I really want you to meet them." I explained.
"Whens ares wes goings tos meets thems?"Barney asked.
(A/N instead of me write an s after everyword Barney says can you just imagine in?)
"Hopefully soon...like right now soon!" I saw Zane, Katelyn, kc, garroth, Travis and Aaron running over.
"Hey guys!' I said.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" Zane yelled.
"Chill Zane. I was just with my other friends." I said."Max, Ross, red, Barney and sky meet Katelyn, Zane, kc, garroth, Travis and Aaron."
"Hiiiii!" Red said.
"Hey Mr, red!"Travis said.
"Just call me red."red replied.
"HEYOOOO I AM SKY!" Sky yelled.
"You like attention!" Katelyn chuckled.
"Yeah who doesn't?" Sky laughed.
"Well my names Max and it is lovely to meet you all!" Max tried to impress.
"Well it's a 'joy' to meet you to" Zane stated sarcastically.
"Hey if imma be honest this Zane dude seems so damn cool!" Max said.
"I am Ross...I like narwhals, squirrels and anime...."Ross said quietly.
"Hello ross~kun! Kawii~chan love narwhals and squirrels and of course anime!!!" Kc said.
"Let me guess kawaii~Chan?" Ross said.
"Yes!!!!! Also kawii~Chan speaks in 3rd person."kc explained.
"I am Barney!!! I like goats and apples and sleeping." Barney said.
"Interesting...I LOVE GOATS AND APPLES!!!!and of sleeping is da best!!!!" Garroth yelled.
"We are gonna be best friends, garroth." Barney said.

-time skip to after asking loads of questions about each and other-

-aphmau pov-

We had just finished asking questions about each other and decided to spilt up into our groups. The mystreet and skymedia. To find the holiday houses we will be accommodating!!! Ours was at the top but had the perfect view of the ocean and of course the sunset!!!! We all walked in and sat down on the couches.
"Okay who's gonna share rooms with who?" I asked.
"Well Zane and I could share!" Travis said.
"Yeah!!!" Zane replied.
"Okay well that's one 2 bed room sorted!"I said.
"I will share with aaron!" Said garroth.
"Yeah that's sounds lit!" Aaron said.
"Okay another 2 bed room sorted.
"Katelyn, kc and I will share the 3 bed room!" I said and they both agreed.
There was a chap at the door. I went over and opened it. It was our suitcases!!!the lady just walked away after dropping them off.I looked through the stack and grabbed mime and ran up to the 3 bed room and chose the bed next to the window!
I starting thinking about sky and how he is so cute.......

Thanks for reading chapter 1 sorry it took so long!!! Also 1273 words!!!!

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