Not - Titans are strange

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Ella by FourHoovesMadeMagic

These not-Titans are very strange. Their garb is most peculiar and they speak funny. I'll need to check if 'bruh' is in one of the tomes at the library. They're quite slow and lazy as well, and one of them keeps giving me strange glares..and licking her lips? I wonder if she's hungry? Maybe she'd like a berry? I like berries! Do not-Titans eat? In fact, do these not-Titans even have genders? I'm going off the anatomy of female centaurs, so maybe they're male? It'd be really embarrassing if I got their genders wrong! What would I say then?! I'd probably gallop off out of sheer humiliation!  The one that seems to always be complaining is not very nice. She doesn't like my forest, or walking, or me for that matter. Is there anything she likes? BERRIES, maybe?! As I was saying, I don't quite understand the not-Titans. They don't seem to appreciate nature! What kind of monsters are they if they don't like nature? I keep pointing out the beautiful wild horses and fluffy red squirrels eating their acorns but they're not looking! My forest is wonderful! All the colours are so beautiful, with elegant shades of crimson, saffron and fiery orange falling down on you and getting caught in your tail during winter and then in summer! Oh gosh in SUMMER! Charming vibrant shades of green and so many animals to make friends with! I remember I even met a wolf travelling with its pack to their summer den, and they had little fuzzy pups! (Fun fact from the author: Wolves do actually travel to a different den in summer!) I wasn't allowed to hold the pups though. The mother was very protective. I wonder how they are now? Maybe they've got pups of their own! Oo, I've LOVE to see that!
I'm taking the not-Titans to my little cabin in the woods. It's just where I keep my herbs and healing medicines and my samples. I rarely stay there. THE INDOORS IS BORING! What do people even do there? Sit?? I DO NOT POSSESS THE ABLITY TO SIT! I HAVE FOUR LEGS THAT DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! I purposely made it a long trek. I love long walks. Complainer-not-Titan doesn't though. And injured-not-Titan has no words for it. Complainer-not-Titan passed out and Injured was worried. She's not woken up yet. It's horrible to say, but I'm slightly glad. They keep talking about 'Gods'. What are Gods? Are they a foreign animal??? An animal I have not yet seen??? I must ask them, if they listen.
I pace up and down, observing the trees. The sparrows and great tits are as confused as I am about these not-Titans. They're scared, the poor things. I must admit, so am I. They landed right in those dock leaves I needed to collect. Anyone who walks on precious research or medicine materials is suspicious. Or ignorant.
We carry on after Complainer has recovered from fainting. (Author's note: I should nickname a Pokemon 'Complainer') They're wobbly and I offer to give them a ride, but they decline. I'm worried about them though. They look pale and worried, and keep muttering things about a 'prophecy' and a weird voice called Carl. Carl's a very strange name. Something about a mountain? I like mountains! They have goats and snow leopards and bears and other wonderful creatures! No horses though... shame. I wish they'd speak up a bit, I want to hear this conversation!
The colours of my forest are beautiful in spring, flowers everywhere, so there's all sorts of colours! We've just passed through a thick gorse bush. I had to carry Injured over that one. I usually just jump but Injured is in no state to go into what the Titans call 'jumping position' in order to help me over with extra weight on my back. Injured stays on my back, since they were holding us up anyway, and soon we arrive at my cabin.
I put Injured onto a mossy rock and trot off to my cabin. I can hear the not-Titans talking in hushed voices. I'm still curious. I collect dock leaves and a herbal medicine to ease the pain. I wonder, what do not-Titans like to eat? I don't have any meat, so I'll just make something I would have. I put a pan of water over my lit campfire outside and pour various leaves, spices, herbs, vegetables and a sprinkling of grass into it, to create a stew. I make a second smaller campfire and brew them some herbal tea. It calms nerves apparently, and they both need it.  I walk over to them with two mugs filled with the stuff and hand it to them. Complainer looks at it, grimaces, but drinks it. Injured mumbles something like a thank you and takes a sip. I start tending to her leg, wrapping dock leaves around it and rubbing the medicine onto it so it stings less. I walk back over the pot, pour it into two bowls and hand them to the not-Titans. I stand in front of them, head tilted slightly, untamed hair obstructing my vision slightly.
"Now, care to tell me your story?"

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