Chapter 10

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I follow Ms Kennedy into the auditorium and take note of the university students who have already made their way onto the stage. They're sitting alongside their teammates and talking quietly amongst each other, no doubt making final preparations before the big debate. I feel nervous for them but am quickly distracted from my own thoughts just as I hear Stephen speak from behind me.

"I'd hate to be in their position today." He comments.

"Why is that?" I hear myself ask him.

"All that pressure from their peers, the university and of course the general public. I couldn't do it." He openly admits.

I find myself chucking at his statement and not because I find it necessarily funny but rather that I find it difficult to believe that Stephen Carter of all people would succumb to high pressure situations.

"Of course you could, you're Stephen Carter. You just doubt yourself." I say somewhat quietly, before taking my seat in one of the long rows of chairs set up.

Madelyn sits on my right and since Stephen followed in behind me, he had little to no choice in sitting on my left. Due to his close proximity, I could quite literally smell his cologne wafting off of him. Without going into too much detail, he smelt incredible. And then there was his physical closeness and how it made me feel. Every now and again his shoulder would brush against my own and although he would apologise at first, after a while he seemed to just keep doing it, not that I was complaining. His nearness made me feel anxious yet excited all at once and the thought alone made me want to punch my own face for falling into Stephen's nice guy trap once again. I was naive enough to believe his genuine nature once but I sure was not planning on falling for his act twice. As much as I didn't want to believe it however, there was still a small part inside of me that wanted to believe that Stephen truly was as kind as he was was during our first few meetings.

"Based on the arguments so far, who do you think will win, affirmative or negative?" Whispers Stephen from beside me.

I pause to consider his question and try to focus on the arguments I've heard from each team thus far. The trouble with trying to do that however is that since the start of the debate my mind has been lingering, particularly consumed with thoughts of Stephen himself.

"I'm not sure yet." I vaguely answer.

"Really? I feel as if the affirmative team has this in the bag." He comments.

I choose not to reply and instead direct my attention towards the front of the stage. It's awfully difficult when yet again I can either see, hear or feel Stephen from beside me. I don't think he is intentionally trying to draw attention to himself but my goodness the boy can't sit still. Finally, when I feel that I'm just about done trying to keep my sanity together I ask him.

"What has you fidgeting every five seconds?"

"I thought you knew?" He says.

"Knew what?" I oddly remark.

"I have ADHD." He admits in a serious tone.

"Oh." Is all I seem to be able to reply with.

I'm stunned for the most part, clearly not expecting such a confession to escape Stephen's lips, but just like that he continues to surprise me in ways I hadn't even considered.

"I'm sorry. I never knew." I tell him.

"Don't apologise, it's not a big deal." He casually replies with a comforting smile.

I try offering him one in return but even I know it's forced.

"Seriously Atlanta, don't feel guilty. You didn't know and I probably shouldn't have assumed you would anyhow." He kindly says.

I offer him a more convincing smile this time before offering him a word of encouragement.

"Well just so you know, it hasn't changed my opinion of you anyway." I sincerely say.

"And what is your opinion of me?" He suggestively asks.

Is he flirting with me? I hardly think so, but at the same time the way he raised his brow at me and smirked a little made my cheeks blush and mind consider a whole new meaning behind his innocent question. 

"I can't tell you that just yet." I say instead.

"And why is that?" He curiously challenges with that same playful gleam in his eyes.

"Because I haven't yet decided." I truthfully admit while averting my gaze to meet his eyes in order to gauge his reaction.

Stephen is rendered silent for a sole moment before warmly smiling at me and whispering in a voice so low that I have to strain my ears to simply hear them.

"Well let me know when you have." Is all he says.

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