Chapter 9 - Relationship Problems

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The Daily Prophet
Issue No. 101,877
20 October, 2021

Manipulation and Cheating

A few Hogwarts students have recently come forward with concerns about Astra Lestrange. Most notably is her fellow Gryffindor, Marcus Dillam, who claims they'd dated for a few months before he discovered she'd been cheating on him with none other than the son of famous Harry Potter, Albus Potter. He says that Astra always acted very possessive and controlling when they were together, perhaps showing an abusive side of "Gryffindor's Star" that hasn't come to light before. He said he was devastated when he discovered the truth of their relationship, which finally gave him the courage to face her and end the romance. Marcus Dillam was very adamant about the fact that Astra Lestrange is a danger to herself and society, with no regard for others' wellbeing at all. He claims that the best option for the wizarding world as a whole would be to have her put under Ministry protection. He says, "I got out of that relationship, and now I'm glad I did. I don't want anyone else to be hurt by her and that Potter. It's too late for some of their friends, unfortunately, but not for the rest of us. Please, think of the students. Keep us safe."

This story only builds on what this paper has already been told by a Ravenclaw prefect, Eris Prince...


The rest of that day was a blur. I'm not sure when I ran up to the Astronomy Tower, but at some point I did. I sat with my back against one of the pillars and cried.

Why would he do that to me? The question kept running through my head, and I didn't know how to answer it. Was I not good enough? Maybe I didn't try hard enough to spend time with him. How long had this been going on? He'd mentioned projects with Mollie a lot, recently. I supposed those were all cover ups for snogging in the various hidden spaces of Hogwarts.

He'd said he was tired of "waiting." I didn't even know what that meant, exactly. Waiting for me to do a hardcore make out session with him? Was that all he ever wanted? Maybe he'd never even really liked me. I obviously wasn't good enough for him anymore. That made me cry harder, the thought that I might not be good enough for cheating scum like Marcus Dillam.

It might have been a few hours or a few minutes later, but I heard footsteps. I glanced up. Albus was standing at the top of the stairs, looking like he wasn't sure whether to stay or go. Now that I'd seen him, he seemed to make a decision, and slowly approached me.

He didn't say anything as he sat down beside me, which was quite all right, because I would have felt the need to reply and I wasn't in any situation to do that. No, he just sat, not doing anything but being there for me as I sobbed into my hands.

I don't know how long we sat up there. The light was fading when I lifted my head, finally out of tears. Albus was watching me, and smiled sadly.

I didn't know what to do. Say something? Do something? I'd never broken up with anyone before. Definitely not for cheating on me. This was entirely new. I wracked my brain for something funny to say, because Albus had been up here watching me cry for who knew how long and the least I could do was make him smile.

Instead, what came out was, "I thought he loved me."

Albus sighed. "I'm so sorry, Astra. That was awful. He's awful."

"W-was I just not good enough?" I wondered aloud, my voice cracking a bit.

Albums scooted closer, his eyes wide. "No, no, of course you were. Don't even think that. Any boy would be lucky to date you. He was the one who wasn't good enough for you, okay?"

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