Chapter 2

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I screamed bloody murder. Who the heck was this guy?! How did he know my name?! Out of instinct, I punched him in the stomach. "OWW!!!" I screamed. This guy's stomach was made of steel. My knuckles were numb and I couldn't feel them. The guy may not have been hurt, bu he was definitely angry. "Do you just randomly punch strangers for no reason?!" the man said sternly. Grover looked so scared like the man was a bomb ready to explode. I, how ever, was not scared at all. Once I beat up a black belt who picked on me. When I looked at the man's calf brown eyes, they were lit up like hot coals. Then, the coal like eyes seemed to cool down. Grover's hyperventilating slowed down.

"I forgot. You're a halfblood. Its your instinct to punch people. And hit people. And stab people," the man said. "Oh, by the way. I'm Apollo." Again, I screamed. This time 5 times louder. Grover ran over to me. He grabbed me by my mouth and pulled me outside, past Apollo. Outside, there was a bright red car. A nice car. I don't know what kind it was. I kicked and punched Grover so he would let me through. Then, I licked his hand. "GROSS!!!" I screamed. It tasted like enchiladas. He of course, let go. Apollo laughed. He did the weird hand movement and a giant invisible hand grabbed me and sat my in the shot gun. Grover saw all of this and jumped in the car out of fear. He really needs therapy.

Apollo got in the driver's seat. He drove off so fast, I was forced to close my eyes. When he slowed down to 100 mph, I opened my eyes. The car was in the sky. I was freaked out. Apollo landed the car on a hill right next to the biggest, greenest pine tree. Next to the pine tree with a sign. This is the first time I could read a sign. It said Camp Half-Blood. "Yup, you weren't kidding Grover. Who's my mom?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I want to know who my mom is. My dad isn't a god so I know my mom has to be the god."

"I don't know," Grover bleated shamefully. "You haven't been claimed."

Apollo snapped his fingers and the car, and himself disapeared. Grover and I landed on the ground. Grover guided me past the sign. It was carved into wood. There was like 20 cabins below the hill. "This is Camp Half-Blood."

"Holy sh-" but before I could finish, Grover slapped his hand over my mouth. "One of those cabins are your mother's. At least we know it's not one of the male gods," he muttered. Duh. Your not the only one with common sense. "Let's go, Rianna. Let's see if your skills will show us who your mom is."

Then, Grover and I walked down the hill. A big brunette comes up to me and pushes Grover out of the way. She grabs me by my shirt. Then she punches me in the face. Hard.

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