The Murder

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"Mom... mom wake up"

      I fell to my knees. My heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces.
       When I looked down there was blood coming out of so many body parts.
        It was as if she was murdered from the inside out.

"No... no no no... this can't be happening."

      My eyes began to burn as tears flooded out of them. As each tear fell from my eye, it took a piece of my heart with it.

"Yes, 9-1-1, I need an ambulance.. mom.. I think she's dead."

     As those words escaped my lips my heart shattered even more. I felt like a wounded puppy. This can not be happening.
       I thought this kind of stuff only happened on T.V. I'd never imagine this happening to my mother out of all people.

"Ma'am... what is your name?"

        My name? Why can't I think of my name? Deep breath the police officer is only here to help.

"My my name is Faith... Faith Williams"

      I felt like I had been waiting forever but there was finally a knock at the door. As I looked out the window I could see the lights of a police car.

    This was so overbearing. I couldn't manage to choke out a single word so I silently opened the door.

      The police officer was a tall dark haired man. His badge looked pretty polished so it must be new. His name was Richard.

      I couldn't really make out much more due to the fact that my eyes were burning and my vision was clouded by my tears.

"Ms. Williams can you tell me what happened here?"

      How was I going to explain this? I have no idea what the hell happened here. Some monster came in while I was away and MURDERED my mother.

"I... I don't know what happened.. I came home and I found her like this."

      My voice started to trail off as I spoke those words.
      A little bit of guilt crept over me. If only I was here instead of out with my friends maybe this wouldn't have happened.

"Ma'am unfortunately you're mother is dead. Can you come down to the office so we can do some paperwork?"

"Her name is Julia and what paperwork do I have to go over? She's dead some monster killed her!"

      I didn't mean for my words to come out as harsh as they did to the detective but I was hurt and I was angry.
      The detective then held out her hanky gesturing it towards me. I guess she didn't take my words too personally.

"That's why we need you to come down to the office. We need all the information we can get to put the person who did this, behind bars."

The detective was very soft spoken. I guess that's what makes her good at her job.
As she wrapped a jacket around me she slowly lead me out the door and away from my mother, who was now being covered in a bodybag.

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