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junelahey: on an airplane

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junelahey: on an airplane. Don't know where I'm going...like my life.

14 comments|30 likes

theonlytomlang: what about our scene? I can't play both romeo and juliet

junelahey: you can get an Oscar nomination for it. theonlytomlang

sugarplumclaire: Ms. Clarkson said that if your group isn't here, you go the class that they are back theonlytomlang

theonlytomlang: June, never come back

junelahey: wow thanks. theonlytomlang

theonlytomlang: Gives me time to actually memorize it!

junelahey: then what were you going to do when we perform it today? Classic writing on the arm? theonlytomlang

theonlytomlang: how did you know?

junelahey: I'm a Jedi master theonlytomlang

hamillhimself: my young Padawan

theonlytomlang: ^^ its fucking Luke Skywalker

hamillhimself: ^^ yes it is fucking me

sugarplumclaire: ^^ HOW?!!?

hamillhimself: ^^the force

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