Chapter Five

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Before she drove to my house Kindl stopped by her's to grab clothes and her other necessities.

When we walked inside of my house Alex was on the couch making out with the same girl from this morning. His eyes snapped to me and he jumped off the chair and looked at me awkwardly.

"Get out.," I say to the girl and she listens grabbing her shirt and dashing outside.

"You had no right to bring her here.," I say upset.

"This isn't your house.," he said annoyingly.

"It is my house my Mom left it for me and I still pay the bills.," I say as Kindl applauds while laughing.

"She burnt yo ass.," she says.

"Why are you even here?," Alex asked.

"To keep Skyler from letting you fuck her.," Kindl says making me choke.

At that her phone rung. I looked over and saw that Jordyn was calling and before I could protest she answered.

"Hey what's up my nigga.," she asked laughing.

"Nothing queen lady bitch.," he replied

"Well Skyler is right here, do you want me to put her on the phone?," Kindl asked making kissy faces at me.

"Yeah of course.," he answered almost immediately.

She handed the phone over to me despite my multiple objections, "Hi Jordyn, what's wrong?," I asked worriedly.

"Don't assume baby.," he says making Alex's jaw clench, "Nothing is wrong just look outside.," he says before I walked over to the door and suspiciously opened it. When I looked down I saw 6 boxes perfectly wrapped in red velvet. They were addressed to Kindl and I. I gave Kindl her's before going back to the phone.

"What is all this?," I asked surprised.

"Open them from biggest to smallest.," he demanded.

"OK OK we will don't get your jock strap in a twist.," Kindl says teasingly.

The biggest box for me had a beautiful black dress with parts of the back cut out.

Kindl's dress on the other hand was also a black dress, but was designed totally different to fit her curves just right.

Kindl started screaming and picked the phone up from the couch and screamed, "You sly bastard!," she said happily.

"Open the others now.," he said laughing.

We did as he said and when I opened mine I saw a pair of white heels that looked like they had real diamonds on them.

Kindl's shoes were white, but they looked impossible to walk in with a long ass heel.

I had one more box that was filled with a lot of wrapping paper and extra boxes. When I finally got down to the real box it was smallish but big enough to hold a balled up jacket. I opened it to find a clutch purse with diamonds on it and inside of it was a note along with a beautiful charm. I just gazed before picking up the phone again.

"Where did all this come from?," I asked still in shock.

"Do you not like it?," if not it will be replaced effective immediately.," he says sternly.

"No I love it but you shouldn't have.," I say.

"Yes I should have. These gifts are nothing compared to your undying beauty. The diamonds are only a mere necessity that someone as gorgeous as you deserves.," he says making me blush.

"I have to repay you. How much did this all cost?," at this he laughs.

"$12,981, and I will not allow you to repay me or send it back which is why I ripped off the tags. This didn't even put a minor dent into my Dad's bank account.," he says laughing as I understand.

"Thank you.," I say genuinely as Kindl chimes in.

"Yes boo! Thank you because this bitch.," she says pointing to her chest, "is broke.,"

"Don't sweat it.," he says giving us a quick goodbye and hanging up after stating, "I can't wait to see how you look in your dress and how it looks crumpled up on the floor.," he says making me blush as Alex drops his plate, muttering curse words under his breath.

When he hangs up I rush over to help Alex with the mess, "Are you okay?," I ask him touching his arm.

"Yeah Im fine.," he says standing up and watching as Kindl puts in a movie.

"We are watching a movie, to celebrate.... Skyler becoming.... A lady bitch!!!!!," she says yelling as Alex joins her on the couch and I sit down by Alex. The movie was half over and Kindl had drifted off to sleep and Alex and I were still awoke.

"You aren't going anywhere with him.," he says looking at me.

"I don't have time for this.," I say getting up from the couch as he grabs my wrist and pulls me so my front is facing his and my legs are straddling his thighs.

"Let me go.," I say trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let me go. I turned my head away as he tried to kiss me.

"No. You kissed her.," I said as I flashed him a look of sadness as an involuntary tear strolled down my face.

"She will never mean anything to me.," he says wiping the tear from my face.

"This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this.,"

"The only thing in my book that is wrong is giving up on this.," he said looking at me passionately, "giving up on us.,"he says motioning between us.

"Alex, the way you touch me feels so right. It feels as if electricity is running through me. I feel.... alive really. The thing is that your touch is what I crave every second of the day and I never want to be away from you. You are my world.," I say as multiple tears fall from my eyes, "But this has to stop, you are my brother.,"

"I am not your brother and I never will be.," he said pulling up my shirt and kissing along my stomach until he reached my breasts kissing the sensitive spot right under it. I moaned lowly.

"If you really saw me as a brother I couldn't do this to you.," he said picking me up and carrying me to the room. He threw me on the bed and climbed over me and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I flipped us over and grinded against his erection as he groaned. I then got up from the bed and walked around the room. How could he break my thought process so easily?!

He got up and pulled my back against his front, "Do you honestly think that I can't have your beautiful ass naked in this bed within 5 minutes?," he asked as he stuck his hands in the front of my pants.

"Stop. Please.," I basically begged him.

"No.," he stated firmly, "You are and always will be mine, no matter how many gifts he buys you, you will still belong to me.," he says squeezing my ass.

"What are you guys doing up here?," Kindl asked as she walked into the room, seeing Alex's hand on my waist, "Seriously people?," she asked teasingly, "Can you two go at least an hour without trying to bump and grind?,"

At that Alex and I started laughing and he nipped at my neck with his teeth and turned me around to kiss him, "Get a room.," Kindl yelled as we pulled apart and Alex went downstairs after winking at me.

"Goodnight.," I said to Kindl not wanting to talk about what she just walked in on.


Author's Note:

The girl in the box uptop is Kindl.

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