The Past Becomes Present

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So since I know one person is reading my story, I'm uploading this just for her! Thanks so much to @Uniquelysecret !!! (: This Chapter is going to be pretty long since things will be explained in here(:


Violet's POV -

I'm seventeen and will never again hear anything. Thanks to my dear sister, I'm now deaf for life. I came into my room after that intense scene with Joseph downstairs, and there she was sitting cross legged on my bed with her suitcases piled on the floor. When she saw me she gave the most shrilling, ear-shattering, girlish screech in history. It sounded like nails scratching a chalk board. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my GOSH! I did NOT just see what I thought I saw!" She shouted at me while pulling me on the bed with her, oh how I miss my eager little sister.

"First off, what is it you thought you saw Laurs?" (A/N- Laurs is pronounced cars but the c is replaced with an L.) "You, and mister hunky, man candy on the front porch. He kissed your cheek, that is such a gentleman thing to do! I just wish I could've heard what you two were saying, but your window is too far up to hear." She said while pouting. I cannot believe she was spying on us! But since it's her first day back, and I still have to know all the details about her and her ex- douche, I'll let her off the hook. I began with a sigh, "Laurs, we're just friends. Anyways enough about us, what's the deal with you and the bag a scum you left?!" I asked.

"Let me just start out by saying, I am so sorry Vi. I should have gone with you and our parents to California, not stayed with my boyfriend. You know after what happened with our birth parents I just felt so alone, and like everything changed. The only thing that was still the same from the past was Chet, he was my boyfriend before our parents died, and I just felt that if I stayed with him, at least one thing would stay the same. But what I forgot was that I wasn't our parents only child, and that you were suffering as well. I should've known that Chet wouldn't have lasted, and that you would never do anything to hurt me. After all family is first. I just want us to be like we use to be Vi, it's the best that we can do since we can't exactly bring our parents back from the dead."

By the time she finished talking, she was sobbing uncontrolobly. I never told her how hurt I was by her choice to stay with Chet over me, but I guess sister's can just read each other. I wraped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. She gripped me tightly and started weeping into my shoulder. Since I was older and had more control over my emotions, I had to be strong for her. So instead of crying, which would have made it worse, I whispered sweet nothings into her hair trying to sooth her. "C'mon Laura, I'm not mad. I promise everything will go back to normal someday. But it's 2 in the morning right now, so we need to get to sleep, after all, it's your first day at a new school tomorrow! Did mom and dad give you a room yet?" I asked her, while wiping away her tears. "Yeah... But can I sleep with your for tonight sis?" She asked me while looking up to me with her big blue eyes, and her nose red crom crying. "Of course. Night sis," I say to her while tucking us both into bed. At around 3, I still couldn't fall asleep, while Laura on the other hand is out cold. All I can think about is the night my parents died.

It was a nice day in Florida. My parents, Riennah and George were playing with my sister and I in our huge outdoor pool. After a few hours we went inside for dinner. Unfortunatley, we were out of lemonade, so I offered to go to the store around the corner to pick some up. It took me about thirty minutes to get back home, but what I saw when I got back home traumatized me for life.

I walked in to blood across our marble floors, vases and art smashed and ruined. I then saw my parents in the middle of this horrific site. My parents were the source of the blood that covered the room. Their lifeless bodies lay limp in the center of the family room, how ironic. My eyes filled with tears as I shut their eyes. Tears of anger, sorrow, frustration, and love for my parents. I then called out to my sister. My lifeline to sanity.

That's when I heard the sobs. I looked over to the stairs to see Laura's 14 year-old figure curled up in a ball, with her head between her hands. I ran over to her and sheiled her in my arms. I sat there and cried with her, until our neighbor rushed in through the wide open door. She gasped at the sight in front of her and called 911. She tried to pry us out of the house, but my sister and I reamaned hovering over our parents bloody figures, with our salty tears rolling onto their unmoving faces.

When the ambulence showed up to take our parents we finally detached ourselves from our parents. Our neighbor were kind enough to drive us to the hospital where our parents were at, despite the fact that it was around 2 or 3 am. I cried into my sisters sleeping form once the doctor told us. It was as if it played out in slow motion, the doctor telling us that our parents were officialy dead, and nothing could be done to help them. I allowed my sister to sleep in my arms until morning light, because it allowed me time to think of how I would tell her, though I'm positive she already knows. After our house was done being searched for evidence that would solve the case, and cleaned up, it was arranged for my neighbor to stay with my sister and I until further care was arranged.

Two nights after my parents death, I still couldn't sleep.My face was starting to break out from stress, worry lines were visible on my forehead, and bags were developing under my eyes. I decided to go into my dad's study where we had our serious talks. Where we argued over which football teams were better. Where he helped me with my school projects. Where I sat in his lap and cried when I scratched my knees, and more recently, when he helped repair my broken heart by eating icecream and watching movies with my mom and I.

I sat in his big plush recliner where he would make me sit when I was having problems in my life. Then I saw it. A diamond necklace with a pure gold locket, but the price of the jewelry is not what intrigued me, it was the fact that my mom wore that necklace ever since I could remember. Curiosity overwhelmed me becuase my mother has never once removed it from her neck, but sure enough there it was, lying on the desk. Beside the necklace was a note, with my name written on the front, the handwriting belonged to my father.

"Dear Velvet Cupcake, if you're reading this, then we're dead. We are so sorry we couldn't make it to any of your big days. Like your wedding, graduation, and most important, your Sewing. Now your mother and I know you have no idea what a Sewing is, so we've made something to help explain. Look in the safe under daddy's desk. Yes I know, after all those years of you getting grounded for trying to open it, I'm actually giving you the code! In the safe will be many videos to help you understand what you're going to go through. Only watch them when the date written on them comes. The lock code is: 15, 22, 34, 16. We love you and your sister sweetie. Stay strong for her, and keep safe."

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