The Unsaid Words

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So this chapter will be short. But it's kind of a filler for the next chapter where LOTS of things will be expplained. Stuff is about to get real guysss. (; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Violet's POV~

My groan filled the room that was now brightened by the morning sun. I had just reached sleep no more than an hour ago, and it was already time for school. To top it off, I didn't hear my alarm clock, and no one came to wake me, which left me with 15 minutes to prepare for school. I heard my sisters music playing from her room across the hall. I guess she got up this morning and decided to get ready in her own room. I slowly got out of bed and went to take care of my daily hygene, including a shower, and brushing my teeth. After that was done I had 10 minutes left. So as quickly as I could, I slipped into some jeans.

As I was slipping into my tank-top, my door started to open. "Sweetie I just wanted to say good morning before I left for- AHHH! I'm so sorry, I probably should have knocked," my dad said shakily while slamming the door shut. I quickly finished dressing into my tank, and a Lifegaurd sweater. While opening the door I said to my father, "Dad, I'm a bit old to be having help with getting dressed, don't you think?" I said jokingly. He let out a breath he was holding and nervously chuckled, "Hah, I suppose. I'm really sorry, I will knock from now on. Anyways, I just wanted to say I'm going off to work. And that I'll be taking us out to dinner tonight as a celebration for your sister's returning, so don't plan anything." At the news that I would finally get to roam the outside of California my mood increased greatly. "That's great dad! We should catch a movie, or go bowling afterwards! Oh and, you might want to leave your card because knowing Laura, she's going to want to purchase something to wear for tonight, even though she has more dresses than the eye can see!" I said while laughing. "Alrighty then. Have a nice day sweetheart. Oh and, could we keep this little... misshap between us?" He asked. "No worries dad. And you have a nice day too!" I said while he kissed my forehead.

Although he wasn't my birth father, I could never ask for a better foster dad. At first I wasn't to happy about having new parents, but they grew on me, and now, I love them as much as I did my birth parents. Frank and Janette have really welcomed my sister and I with open arms, and it's obvious they love and care for us as much as we do for them. "Vi, did you just wake up? What is wrong with your hair? Are you seriously going to school like this? Oh my, don't you worry I'll get up extra early tomorrow to help you get ready," my little sister lectured me from the door frame in her bedroom.

I walked into my room to look at myself in the mirror, and sure enough, I looked as bad as she described me. The bags under my eyes were clearly visible, worry lines on my forehead were forming, and it looked like my face would start breaking out soon. With a sigh, I started to brush out my hair with my fingers. I turned to my sister who was sitting on my bed singing along to the music coming from her room. "You're right. I look like a pile of smashed apples. Well, it's not like I have anyone to impress anyways," I said to her. "Not even mr. hunk who was over last night?" She said to me looking mishevious. "No, not even him. Besides, girls are throwing them selves at him left and right, it's not like I would have a chance anyways," as soon as this came out of my mouth, I knew it was a mistake.

"EEK! Well we'll talk about why that means you have feelings for him later, right now, we have to get to school. Could we take the Lexis though? I don't want my hair to mess up, or this outfit to get wrinkled," she complained while she pointed to her outfit. It was a floral printed dress that had a brown waist belt, and vanilla-colored, flowing carigan, she was right it was cute. "Alright, Lexis it is, let me just slip on some Vans and get my bag." "I'll go start the car!" She said as she hopped off my bed and skipped downstairs. I lokked at my reflection once again flipped my necklace so that the locket was right-side-up.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the school, with the hood of the car down since it was a nice day out, we could already hear the murmurs of the students and the whistles of the guys. "Hey Violet, looking hot as ever. Who's the new girl, your sister?" Random people said this, and other things similar to this. It surprised me that people thought I looked good when all I saw in my reflection was a dying camel, a bit harsh on my ego, but it's what I saw. "Well Vi, I see you're already as popular here as you were back home." Laura whispered to me, sounding somewhat distant. I looked to her face to see why she sounded so cold, but I saw her gaze was elsewhere, staring at Jospeh. I figured that's why she sounded like that.

He was leaning on the hood of his car watching me as I was walking into the school, and boy did he look as good as ever with his dishevled hair and the leather jacket that firmly hugged his biceps. What am I saying, I've turned into my sister. "C'mon Laurs I want to introduce you to a few people," I said as I dragged her over to Jospeh and his cousins. Everyone greeted me there and I greeted them back, there was only one person there who I didn't know and that was a senior who's name was apperently Zach and he was another one of Joseph's cousins.

"Hey Kel, Jasmine, Sam, Zach, Josh, and Jospeh. Oh and this is my little sister, Laura. She's in your grade Sam. He's great Laur's, I've never met anyone funnier!" I said to my sister. "Hey guys! Well Sam, you're going to have some competition, because I'm pretty darn funny, if I do say so myself. I'm sure Violet here agrees, don't you Visa?" She said smugly to me. Of course, she just had to use the cute nickname for me she came up with a couple years back, when we were surrounded by our peers. "Oh yeah, she's halarious." I said dryly while give her the cheesiest smile I could manage. As our group of friends laughed the bell rang and we all parted ways and headed to our classes.

I walked with Kel and Joseph to Homeroom. We all took our seats prepared for roll-call when suddenly a very manly voice cleared his throt. Everyone looked up in shock, but the owner of the rough voice belonged to someone who I never thought I'de see again. It belonged to my mom's former best friend, Matt Davidson.

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