New bed - Pascal Wherlein

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During the time Pascal went to Bahrain I had an accident with the bed. I love, adore to jump there, specially because is super comfy and fluffy but this time things went wrong. I broke it, but thank God I didn't get hurt... now it was time to listen to Pascal jokes about the bed. I could imagine how much I would suffer with that.

"Can I just ask why are we buying a new bed?"

"Because I broke the old one!"

"Can I ask how did you do it? Even though I can imagine what you were doing!" He smirked.

"Stop with the mental pollution!"

"Then answer what were you doing?"

"I was jumping on it! You know I like to do it specially on fluffy places."

"Well my lap is fluffy, why don't you jump on it? ;)" he asked smirking and a old women heard what he said making me blush harder so I was definitely a tomato now. "I'm just kidding baby, I'm just kidding... no I'm not" he whispered on my neck making me blush while people around you just looked at us like a cute couple... poor people poor people...

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