#13 & #21: Kimi Raikkonen

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#Requested by this angel MariGraceRose
Hope you like it.Thanks for requesting


#13: "And you're sleeping on the sofa why?"
#21: "You really are cute as hell."


Smiling, you look at your watch. Your shift was finally over which means it was time to go home.
To be honest after a long day you just wanted a warm relaxed bath, a cup of tea and your warm bed.

After organizing everything, including your purse you were ready to finally go home. Waving goodbye at everyone who you found, you left the building acknowledging now how cold and aggressive the temperature was outside. Really really cold. Cold always remind you of someone who absolutely loved the cold temperatures. Best hubby in the world for you, but also iceman for others. You knew he wasn't home so you weren't really bothered to make noises when you open the front door.

But then you're surprised by a huge head laying on the sofa, apparently in a deep slumber but your sudden presence had awaken him. Oops. Still this was confusing. You have probably 4 or 5 rooms in the house, why would he sleep here?!

" Hmm... YN?" He groans sounding tired and sleepy.

"Aka Santa! TF you're doing here?"

"hmm I thought we shared a home or something, aren't we married?"

"Yeah, we're married and we definitely share a bed and the entire house." You roll your eyes looking at him.

"Cool. What you're doing here?"

"I thought we were married and we shared a house?!" you answer still observing him.

" Ah sure.Well now we both know. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad we're both here doing stuff."

"Yeah, And you're sleeping on the sofa why?"

"The bed is so moody today because you weren't there. It was pretty cold so I came here." You smiled mischievously.

"I thought you were the Iceman but now I have my doubts." You sat down next to him, caressing his arm.

"Every super hero needs his girl and I'm not an exception." you frown a bit confused.

"You've been drinking?" you ask abruptly turning his head in your direction.

"Why would you say that?"

"You're telling me cute things during this time of the day, it smells fishy.

"Maybe you just need a shower."

"Excuse me??You're a piece of Finland shit." You shake your head getting up to take a bath. You sniffed your own armpits making sure Kimi was just messing with you. And he really was just to piss you off.

But the moment you got into the warm bath, you forgot absolutely everything. Even the fact that your husband is annoying and was sleeping on the couch which was weird. Well but that's Kimi. He's weird, an adorable weirdo.

You changed to something comfy and got downstairs to eat something. Kimi was awake and surprisingly on the kitchen, cooking?

"Wow, my husband in the kitchen? Now that's something I wish I could see everyday."

"Don't jump to conclusions, I'm just making tea, not cooking." You laugh at his humour. He's the best even when he's not trying.

"I still have hope on you. Anyway, you wanna eat something? I'm quite hungry." You ask opening the fridge to take some vegetables to do a fast salad.

"Count me on that."

"When don't I count you Räikkönen?"

"Bwoah do you really want me to answer that?"

"Just leave." You answer not looking at him but he never left.

He stayed in the kitchen monitoring every step you took attentively. You always looked animated and excited when it came to cook for you two. Your concentration always reached the higher level and Kimi always loved to watch you. When you two meet it was a little bit uncomfortable because you weren't used to have his blue eyes glued on you, but after so many years together dating and then getting married, it became normal. And you missed that when he wasn't home. But whenever he was, he always fell more in love with you by just observing you. Your features, your body language, every detail of you was special for him.

"Love, I think this is done. You want anything else?" You ask tasting one of the dishes.

"No, thank you." He smiles making you nod. "You know... You really are cute as hell." Kimi laughs slightly already imagining one of your smart answers.

"Which is accidentally where I came from." Your gaze is holding his blue ice orbs which sparkle when he smiles.

"Well that explains why you're so hot. Now you understand why I couldn't sleep upstairs without you." He smiles supporting his chin on his hands above the table.

"You can be so smooth sometimes. I love you, you know that right?" He smiles and walks towards you wrapping his arms around you.

"I Love you more my little hot devil. But now can we please eat? Having long conversations makes me hungry."

"Kimi honey, you're always hungry." You remember him which makes you two chuckle and kiss....


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