Memories - Lewis Hamilton

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For those who are still here, thank you!
Let's Go!

You loved, adored everything about Lewis being a F1 driver, except the countless lonely nights you had to endure by yourself while he was in a different country. You usually did great by yourself, always watching or occupying your mind with any other random activity to divert your mind from thinking about being in Lew's warm embrace enjoying the safety of his strong arms and his awful jokes. It worked, often. While in other nights as the current one it didn't particular felt good.

The house seemed too much quite, silent without him and Roscoe. No music, no tv show or movie in the highest volume was able to drown and cover somehow that silence so you just decided to turn the tv off, finally, only to have thoughts consuming you in, since there was no simple way to miss him less. A simple remote triggered little reminders of his laugh, his beaming smile, his warm protective angelic eyes, his simple touch, his voice, gosh him as whole. So you just dropped the remote and walked outside attempting to catch some fresh air, your backyard was finally starting to bloom after all the hard work you two put into planting all the veggies, it was your mini farm.

Flashback on

"Babe, you're sure this is going to work?" You asked unsure to which he shrugged bitting his lip

"I don't know my love, it takes a bit of time." He explained covering the baby potatoes with the sand mixture you did. "It takes up to two months if I'm not wrong."

"I'll have to wait two months to eat my own potatoes?" You puffed watching his eyes dance in amusement "Hopefully you don't do one of your famous holes in there mister " You raise a brow at Roscoe who stares airily at the trees but you knew he heard you

"Listen to your mother Roscoe." He adds raising one of his full eyebrows   "We both know how angry she gets"

You waved smiling nonchalantly

"We have to pick more seeds at the market."

"Which ones?" You curiously asked watching him remove his gloves. You couldn't help but sigh watching how the Gucci shirt hung perfectly on his sculptural body, the veins popping slightly on his arms and hands. Wait was that a stain?

"Carrots? Eggplants maybe lettuce? Seb gave me some ideas."

"Sebastian? Of course, Sewis" you rolled your eyes mumbling "I should've known this was a Sewis thing, I doubted from the moment you suggested this entire plant your own stuff."

Lewis chuckles shaking his head "Don't tell me you're jealous of Seb?"

"He's always giving you some good ideas."

"Yeah, he's married so I have to ask someone for advice."

You gulped glancing at him

"What?" He asked coyly

"You know you are not married." You reminded him

He nodded pulling you by your arm, so you could be chest by chest, or is it chest by forehead since you're not that tall.

"I will be married one day, you know you won't say no." He joined your foreheads teasingly and you forced a smile back

"Are you trying to divert my attention from the fact that you spend more time with Sebastian than me?"

"I am trying to inform you that I want to marry you, now come here and let me kiss you while we talk about our future potatoes."

He kissed the tip of your nose watching you pout forcing a frown that easily melted when he smiled down at you, showing off that hidden dimple and those sparkling eyes

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