King has a problem

8 2 0

Hamilton: [Existing]

John: [Breathing]

King: I SHIP IT.

Hamilton & Laurens: WTF?!
Lafayette: [Talking]

Mulligan: [Agreeing]


Laf & Mull: Dude...
Washington: Hey king.

King: Oh hello Washington.

Washington: [walks away]

King: I ship it.

Washington: WHAT?!

King: uhhhh [Anime sweat drop] I like this.



Washington: I have a wife king.

King: [Death on the inside]

Washington: Also I don't like you.

King: [More death.]

Washington: Byeee. [rolls away]

King: Ow my thing in my chest know as a heart.

WashingKids: REJECTION!!

King: [Sad music, walks away.]

[Record scratch]

King: [Stops walking] WASHINGKIDS?! PFFFFFFF!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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