I went to the fair today so I didn't get any time to draw but I did get ideas. I'll probably post tomorrow... School is tomorrow though, lord..
At the fair there was some pretty scary rides like the ball drop, roller coasters, speedy trains and other cool stuff.. I did get some fries, drinks and slushies too.
So yeah, no art today but I'll probably upload some tomorrow so..
It's late rn so I needs to get my weirdy sleep. Oh! I almost forgot, Miska mooska mikey mou- j.k. But seriously, Happy Easter, hope you guys got some good candy today.. I almost 4got it was Easter. Gn y'alls✌

Art's Disease
RandomTickets here pls. Wipe your feet on this rug of initiation. Keep your hands and feet inside the kart if you wish to not loose them (from the Artistic Plague). No throwing anything in and out of this ride... Last but not least don't feed or touch the...