Tickets here pls. Wipe your feet on this rug of initiation. Keep your hands and feet inside the kart if you wish to not loose them (from the Artistic Plague). No throwing anything in and out of this ride... Last but not least don't feed or touch the...
My Lil watercolour (water-co-lore) babe that I made like Tuesday.
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One of the best watercolors I've done with my touchy sausages (fingers)
Usually I scruggle (lol yes) with keeping the color the same. At least this time the final peice is decent and I didn't have to roller skate myself into a brick wall. (I can't roller skate yet lel) ≧∇≦ノ(・ω・)ノ
(b.t.w. the watercolor I use for now is crayola... Washables😎
THUNGLATHES! 👓👜 FANTHY SMANTHY (lisping is something I do for a extra weird effect. No offense for ppl with lisps. Don't mean to offend any1) (i before e except after c is a sham. The word weird for example.)