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I'm thinking that making new oc's all the time is useless since i'm not doing anything with them. Just drawing them. So I decided to start making new collections of original series that i'm going to be making on my own. It might be kinda interesting like maybe daily or weekly comic bonus. And I have a new schedule. Since free draw is enhancing my laziness, i'll just do this so i'll have something to draw everyday. And at the end of the week, I'll have a comic bonus. I think it's a great idea.

So now let's lay out the daily schedule.

Sunday: Challenges (great. I.Dea.)

Monday: Animal (traditional, furry, etc.)

Tuesday: Communication (ppl talking, working, etc.)

Wednesday: Abstract/crafts

Thursday: Graffiti/doodle

Friday: Nature (scenery, landscape)

~idk not sure about this one~

Saturday: +Comic Bonus!

Maybe this way I'll post some more art. And just bc I'm going with the schedule thing, doesn't mean I'll not bonus other things I felt like drawing. And I'm probably gonna look at motivational things rn especially kawaii. And plus i'm almost done with a drawing so, later!

Plus I pulled an all-nighter and stayed up until 5:00 am watching Kpop, Domo & Crissy, Kpop react/interviews, etc. What have I done? Lmao.

-OddlyAlien (6·28·17)

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